![termini] (https://www.evernote.com/l/AEHmUXk_0EpHWrmggwLV8K5ro1H61IcT_VYB/image.png "termini")
A easy, smart package of tool to watch files/directories and perform an various, useful pre-defined action when they change. And you can simply define only format or mime type, file name without typing patterns and globs.
For your real life.
- nodejs (v0.12.0 or higher recommended)
- npm install svgo, and several modules via error messages! when you run
- Github already has plenty numbers of file watcher, but they are just "command". Not real meaning "utility" or "tool".
- I wanted a easiest file watcher based on only frequently using pre-defined actions for my real dev life. It should aim for anti-versatile situation.
- I wanted to minify svg files when they are add, and automatically import them to my xcode project.
- I just wanted to quickly use mimetypes or extenstion, filename only. That's all.
- And I wanted a fast copier that is support concurrent file operation.
$ termini [options]... [action] [SRC FILE PATH] [DEST DIR PATH]
itunes detect itunes supported files
svgmin detect and compress(avg. 40%~60%) svg files.
xcode-resource Automatically import resource file to xcode project bundle.
... to be continued.
--allow-mime-types(=image/jpeg,image/png[...]) filtering by mime-type
--allow-extensions(=mp3,jpg[...]) filtering by extensition
Forward music files to itunes libray.
$ termini itunes ~/Downloads/ ~/Music/iTunes/iTunes\ Media/Automatically\ Add\ to\ iTunes.localized
Compress downloaded (from browser) svg files and overwrite them.
$ termini svgmin ~/Downloads/ ~/Downloads/
Import detected resouce files to xcode project bundle.
$ termini xcode-resource --allow-extensions=png,mp3,jpg,svg ~/Designworking_temp/ ~/Documents/myxcodeproj/Resources/images/
- Support install dependency, packaging and deploy npm and homebrew etc..
- Support built-in persistant process manager(start, stop, restart)
- Support remote env (capistrano+git integration??)
- Support a option for 'reverse action' what it can handle 1way or 2way synchronization.
- Integrate with slack and webhooks.
- Integrate with alfred workflow
- Add a action 'torrent' : Automatically download file and then deliver.
- Add a action 'compress' : Automatically compress(png, pdf, svg... and all supported files) and deploy all supported files.
- ex)
termini compress --allow-extensions=pdf -> only pdf
- ... ITFA, someday I'll write to support
$ termini install ACTION