Version: 0.0.9000 (20 May 2020)
Author: Maurits Evers ([email protected])
The current workflow performs the following steps:
Build a
index from the NA12878 assembly. -
Based on the U13369.1 rDNA reference sequence, align 500 bp long rDNA fragments and sequences based on rDNA regions of interested to the NA12878 assembly. Store results as sorted & indexed BAM and BED files. Regions of interest (ROI) include the transcribed regions 5'ETS, 18S, ITS1, 5.8S, ITS2, 28S and 3'ETS, as well as a 500 bp wide region upstream of the 5'ETS (which includes the core promoter and upstream control elements).
Plot the number of fragment hits across the assembly's contigs.
Determine the loci where the first 500 bp rDNA fragment (or 5'ETS sequence) maps to; these loci define the 5' start of an rDNA unit in the assembly; the 3' end is defined as the 5' start of the next rDNA unit. If it is the last rDNA unit in a cluster the 3' end is given by 5' start coordinate plus the average length of the preceding rDNA units. This information defines a list of putative rDNA loci in the assembly. We use this list to extract the corresponding full rDNA unit sequences from the assembly.
Results are stored in folder
. -
From the rDNA ROI alignment, for every ROI extract a list with identified matches and their corresponding sequences. Results are stored in folder
. -
Perform a multiple sequence alignment of the putative full rDNA sequences and rDNA ROI sequences using
Clustal Omega
and visualise results usingMView
. Results are stored in05_msa/complete_unit
, respectively. -
Show hits of transcribed rDNA regions across the assembly's contigs using
The current workflow consists of separate shell and R scripts in the individual
main folders; for example 01_bowtie2_ref
has a shell script
that builds the bowtie2
index. A future version of the workflow will automate and robustify processes
using snakemake
- The NA12828 reference assembly FASTA file, stored in
. - The U13369.1 human rDNA sequence as a FASTA file, stored in
. - Gzip'ed FASTA file of the fragmented rDNA in
(see below). - Annotation file of the transcribed regions in the U13369.1 rDNA sequence as
a BED file in
- bedtools; tested with
- bowtie2; tested with
- Clustal Omega; tested with
- deepTools; tested with
- MView; tested with
- pygenometracks; tested with
- R and R/Bioconductor libraries
; tested withR_3.6.1
- samtools; tested with
The reference genome is based on the de-novo assembly of the NA12878 consortium data from the MinION (Oxford Nanopore Technology) nanopore sequencer. Full details involving the sophisticated data analysis and assembly process can be found
- in the original publication by Jain et al., Nanopore sequencing and assembly of a human genome with ultra-long reads, Nature Biotechnology 36, 338 (2018),
- in Human genome assemblies with nanopore, an update from the Genome Informatics Section, and
- on the Whole Human Genome Sequencing Project GitHub project page.
The FASTA file of the Canu 1.7 + WTDBG + Nanopolish reference assembly is available from the Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at the University of Maryland.
Further details and references:
- The assembly consists of 1172 contigs; contig sizes are summarised in the
following statistics
#Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. #1006 31736 244367 2405237 1951710 51216920
- Koren et al., Canu: scalable and accurate long-read assembly via adaptive k-mer weighting and repeat separation, Genome Research 27, 722 (2017); latest release: Canu v2.0
- WTDBG: A fuzzy Bruijn graph approach to long noisy reads assembly; Jue Ruan and Heng Li, Fast and accurate long-read assembly with wtdbg2, Nature Methods 17, 155 (202); latest release: wtdbg2.5; requires 1TB+ RAM
- Nanopolish by Jared Simpson et al. is a
[s]oftware package for signal-level analysis of Oxford Nanopore sequencing data. Nanopolish can calculate an improved consensus sequence for a draft genome assembly, detect base modifications, call SNPs and indels with respect to a reference genome and more.
We use the human ribosomal DNA complete repeating unit
and fragment the sequence into 500 bp long non-overlapping subsequences. The
workflow does not generate these files, and instead requires these files to be
already present; they are generated as part of the publicly available
-based workflow
- Move workflow to
The consortium includes
- Heng Li (Harvard Medical School and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, former Broad Institute, developed samtools, bwa) [RNA]
- George Church (Harvard Medical School) [RNA]
- Matthew Loose (DeepSeq, University of Nottingham) [DNA]
- Nick Loman (Institute of Microbiology and Infection, University of Birmingham) [DNA]
- Jared Simpson (Ontario Institute for Cancer Research) [DNA]
- Alan Phillippy (Head of the Genome Informatics Section, University of Maryland) [DNA]
The workflow is distributed under the GNU GPL licence version 3. The workflow contains the MView source code as a .tar.gz
file, which is distributed under the GNU GPL license version version 2 or higher.
The NA12878 data is released under the Create Commons CC-BY licence.