Look for posts matching some keywords and email notifications to yourself. Run on a schedule within a Docker container. Forked from kelseyywang/reddit-notifs
Make sure you include a file called secrets.py that contains the following info:
MY_CLIENT_ID = 'your_client_id'
MY_USER_AGENT='app_name by /u/your_username'
SENDER_EMAIL = 'sender_email'
SENDER_PASSWORD = 'sender_password'
RECEIVER_EMAIL = 'receiver_email'
- docker
- docker-compose
To Use:
To Setup Docker Container and run the script on a schedule:
- cd into the directory with the github repo on your machine
- Run "docker-compose build" to build the docker image from the Dockerfile
- Run "docker-compose up -d" to run the docker image in detached mode
- The cron schedule by default runs the script “At minute 5 past every hour from 5 through 21”. Modify this in the Dockerfile to adjust the schedule