Mapper makes 80% of data access easy and provides unobtrusive access to SQL for the 20% complicated, speed-critical tasks.
Wanted a lightweight data mapper that is fast and likes SQL.
To use mapper in your project
# For Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
npm install mapper
To run Backbone or AngularJS Example
git clone git://
cd mapper
npm install -d
make test # creates necessary database and config.json
node example/app.js
then browse http://localhost:3000
Connection pooling - adding SOON
Conect to Database
var Mapper = require('mapper');
var conn = { user: 'grace', password: 'secret', database: 'app_dev' };
// set verbose flag to trace SQL
// set strict to be warned of invalid columns in JSON objects
Mapper.connect(conn, {verbose: true, strict: false});
Define Data Access Objects
// Table name and optional primary key
var Comment ="Comments")
, Post ="Posts", "id");
Define Relationships
Post.hasMany("comments", Comment, "postId");
Comment.belongsTo("post", Post, "postId");
var insertId;
// These are equivalent, where first is more SQL like
Post.insert({ title: 'First Post' }).exec(function(err, result) {
insertId = result.insertId;
Post.create({ title: 'First Post' }, function(err, result) { ... });
// Select inserted post
Post.where({ id: insertId }).one(function(err, post) {
assert.equal(post.title, 'First Post,');
Post.findById(insertId, function(err, post) { ... });
// update inserted post
.update() // optional since set() is used
.set({ title: 'New Title' })
.where({ id: insertId })
.exec(function (err, result) {
assert.equal(result.affectedRows, 1);
// if doc has id set, then save is simple. Note,
// pluck only the columns you want updated, function(err, result) { ... });
// delete all posts with a specific title
Post.delete().where({ title: 'New Title' }).exec(function(err, result) {
assert.equal(result.affectedRows, 1);
Post.deleteById(insertId, function(err, result) {});
Gets the first page of posts and populate comments property with the second page of comments for each post retrieved.
.select('id', 'title', 'excerpt')
.page(0, 25)
.order('id DESC')
.load('comments', function(c) {'comment', 'createdAt')
.order('id DESC')
.page(1, 50);
.all(function(err, posts) {
// boo-yah!
OR, if you prefer SQL
var sql = ("SELECT id, title, excerpt FROM `Posts` \
Post.all(sql, function(err, posts) {
Post.load('comments', function(c) {
c.sql("SELECT comment, createdAt FROM Comments ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1, 50");
}).in(posts, function(err) {
// boo-yah!
Executing multiple statements in a series
"SELECT * FROM posts WHERE author = ?", [1],
// SQL may be separated by `,`
"SELECT * ",
"FROM comments WHERE author = ?", [1],
function(err, results) {
// posts are in results[0][0..n]
// comments are in results[1][0..n]
Executing multiple statements in parallel
"SELECT * FROM posts WHERE author = ?", [1],
"SELECT * FROM comments WHERE author = ?", [1],
function(err, results) {
Time for 100,000 iterations alternating between insert and select. See test/bench
or run make bench
time node test/bench/testMysql.js (mysql 2.0.0-alpha3)
real 1m27.239s
user 0m58.506s
sys 0m3.288s
time node test/bench/testMapperDao.js
real 0m30.701s
user 0m11.346s
sys 0m4.403s
time node test/bench/testLibMysql.js
real 0m26.044s
user 0m8.207s
sys 0m3.784s
time node test/bench/testMongo.js (just for fun)
real 0m41.771s
user 0m30.830s
sys 0m2.910s
The takeaway is mysql-libmysqlclient
is a much faster driver than the
widely used mysql
driver. Mapper, which is based on mysql-libmysqlclient
overhead yet outperforms the raw mysql
Even more surprising is Mapper is faster than MongoDB using the official MongoDB driver for node.js.
A simple approach, without over-engineering your project, is to maintain 3 distinct layers in your code:
- Data Access Objects (DAO) - Responsible for interacting with the database. There should be 1 DAO for each table used by project.
- Models - A model uses one or more DAO adding business logic, validations as needed.
- Resources or Services - This layer should only use models never DAO.
On a more complex project where a few tables might be better stored in Redis for example, insert a Repository layer between DAO and models to insulate models completely from low-level data access.