This is a collection of all reading notes so far. it includes classes 102, 201, 301, and 401.
- Growth Mindset
- Reading Discussion
- Command Line
- Git
- Class 4
- Class 5/css
- Class 6/basic javascript
- Class 6b/computers
- Class 7
- Class 8
- Class 1/HTML and Javascript
- Class 02/HTML
- Class 03
- Class 04
- Class 05
- Class 06/Objects and DOM trees
- Class 07
- Class 08
- Class 09
- Class 10/debugging
- Class 11/Images
- Class 12
- Class 13/Web Storage
- Class 14b/Google Teams
- Class 14a/Transforms
- ES6 classes reading
- React Basics
- netlify, bootstrap, more react
- Lifting State up, spread
- Forms
- Thinking in React
- Regex/API Best Practices
- Functional Programming
- In Memory Storage
- OAuth
- SQL vs NoSQL
- Error Codes
- Pain and Suffering/ Big-O
- Testing/Recursion/Modules
- Files/Exceptions
- Classes and Objects/Thinking Recursively/Pytest Fixtures and Coverage
- Linked Lists
- Random Module/Risk Analysis/Big-O
- Python Scope/ More Big-O
- List Comprehensions/Decorators
- Dunder Methods/Statistics
- Stacks and Ques
- Jupyter Lab/Numpy
- Pandas
- Linear regression
- matplotlib/seaborn
- Trees
- Machile Learning
- Web Scraping
- Cryptogrophy *Automation
- Django
- More Django
- Django Forms
- Custom user models/DjangoX
- Hash Tables
- Docker/REST API permissions & postgresql
- Authentication & Production Server
- Graps
- DSA Review
- React
- React 2
- React 3
- React 4
- ethics
- Pre-Work
- Node Ecosystem, TDD, CI/CD
- Express
- Express ReST API
- Data Modeling
- linked-list
- Authentication
- Bearer Authentication
- Access Control
- Authorization/Authentication
- Stacks and Queues
- Event Driven Applications
- Message Queues
- Event Driven Architecture
- Trees
- AWS Cloud Servers
- AWS: S3 and Lambda
- AWS: API, Dnmo and Lambda
- AWS: Events
- Componene based UI
- useState hook
- Component lifecycle/useEffect hook
- Advanced State with reducers
- Hash Tables
- Context API
- Context API - Behaviors
- Login and Auth
- API Integration
- Graphs
- Application State with Redux
- Redux - Combined Reducers
- Redux - Asynchronous Actions
- Redux - Additional Topics
- React Native
- ethics
- open source
My name is Michael Hendricks. I am a Veteran and former bartender at Imperial in Portland looking for a new career. My end goal is to help make the world more accessible to everyone and I am hoping to start with a solid coding/development foundation
I believe having a growth mindset will be especially important for me as I am beginning without any technical background. I will have to work hard to stay caught up and I have to remember that is part of what makes it so fun and challenging. In the words of Dory from Finding Nemo:
Just keep swimming.