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Releases: mherrmann/fbs

Fix broken release 1.2.6

06 Jan 10:57
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This improvement is only included in fbs Pro.

Trying to install 1.2.6 produced the following error:

Repository seems to be checked out with CRLF line endings. This breaks and maybe others. Please set core.autorlf to input and check out again.

Also, the create-dmg binary did not have the executable bits set.

This release fixes this.

Fix `gengpgkey`

30 Dec 08:48
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This improvement is only included in fbs Pro.

Releases 1.2.4 and 1.2.5 had files with Windows line endings instead of Linux line endings. This broke the fbs gengpgkey command, and possibly others (see #306). This release fixes this.

Support four-tuple app versions

13 Nov 09:25
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This improvement is only included in fbs Pro.

fbs used to only support app version numbers of the form 1.2.3. This was not enough for some use cases. Now, you can also give your application a four-tuple version number of the form Please note however that this won't work on macOS, because the OS restricts to 3-tuples.

Fix FileNotFoundError: Could not find msvcr110.dll on your PATH

11 Nov 13:35
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This improvement is only included in fbs Pro.

fbs freeze gave the following error:

FileNotFoundError: Could not find msvcr110.dll on your PATH. Please install the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 from:

Installing the indicated redistributable did not solve the problem.

This version of fbs Pro fixes the instructions that are necessary to solve the problem.

Fix the broken `fbs gengpgkey` command

09 Sep 12:57
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Windows code signing improvements

13 May 05:55
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This improvement is only included in fbs Pro.

This release makes fbs sign on Windows more robust with respect to flakiness in the underlying invocation of Microsoft's signtool. It also adds a new setting windows_sign_server that can be used to configure the timestamp server used for signing.

Specifically, this release makes errors of the following form less likely:

    SignTool Error: The specified timestamp server either could not be reached or returned an invalid response.
    SignTool Error: An error occurred while attempting to sign: C:\....

Fix buildvm for Pro users without multiple downloads

04 Apr 10:05
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This improvement is only included in fbs Pro.

fbs Pro users had no easy way to install fbs Pro in buildvm virtual machines. This release fixes this: You can now add fbs_pro.tar.gz into requirements/ and add fbs_pro.tar.gz to requirements/base.txt to have it installed in the VM.

Fix buildvm

04 Apr 10:04
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This improvement is only included in fbs Pro.

Commands such as fbs buildvm ubuntu were plagued by several problems due to outdated Python and OS versions. This release fixes this.

Fix `buildvm fedora` for newer Python versions

29 Nov 05:52
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Specifially, building for Python 3.9.7 gave:

/root/.pyenv/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build: line 1730: patch: command not found
BUILD FAILED (Fedora 25 using python-build 20180424)

Thank you @meramsey for the PR!

Fix warning during installation

31 Oct 05:07
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This improvement is only included in fbs Pro.

The following warning was shown when installing fbs:

DEPRECATION: fbs is being installed using the legacy ' install'
method, because it does not have a 'pyproject.toml' and the 'wheel' package
is not installed. pip 23.1 will enforce this behaviour change. A possible
replacement is to enable the '--use-pep517' option. Discussion can be found

This release fixes this.