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To Do List

This is my first MERN stack api with complete REST api. You can view the project live at I was mainly focusing on the backend functionality, so the frontend will not be very polished.

App Explanation

A very simple to-do app.

  • You can create a new user by clicking "Register" on the navbar and filling out & submitting the form. This will create a new user in MongoDB Atlas.
    • No password is directly saved in the DB - passwords are only stored after being hashed by bcrypt.
  • Upon signing in a Json Webtoken (JWT) is signed and sent to the client's browser where it is stored in the local storage.
    • Once logged in users can perform simple CRUD operations on their to-do items, which is verified through the JWT. The UI should be pretty intuitive.
  • The web app connects to the DB using the Mongoose ODM.
  • Deployed with Heroku. The heroku-postbuild script builds the client side after installing the client dependencies. The build is then served with Express.
