Simple C# http Serwer
Main page: localhost:8080 Test page: localhost:8080/test/?info=TestInfo
TcpSerwer Class contains Tcp serwer functionalities allow sending dato to clients via tcp.
Intresting Methods:
TcpSerwer -> Client_MessageReceived(object sender, MessageEventArgs e)
TcpSerwer -> SendMessage_to_Client(string s, string name)
TcpSerwer -> GetStatus(string name)
PagesWorker Class maintain pages activities like cookies, Get, set etc.
Page Interface for all pages
MainPage Main page
Test Guide page for tests
Adding new page is described in class "Program":
Test testPage = new Test(webFabric.PagesWoeker);
webFabric.AddPage("test", testPage);
BasePage Abstrac page class. All pages should extend that.
If you whnt to add costum page to project without recompilation Create class that extends BasePage.
For example:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ManagingWebSerwer.Conections;
using ManagingWebSerwer.dao;
namespace ManagingWebSerwer.pages.Test
class SamplePageToCompile : BasePage
public SamplePageToCompile()
public override string GetContent()
return "<br><hr><p style='text-align: center;'>Sample compilated page</p>";
public override void Set_GET_Params(Dictionary<string, string> Get_params)
_Get_params = Get_params;
public override void Set_SET_Params(Dictionary<string, string> Set_params)
_Set_params = Set_params;
public override void Set_Cockie_Params(Dictionary<string, Cookie> Cockie_params)
_Cookie_params = Cockie_params;
public override string GetUri()
return "sample"; //This is page url. So to access that page you must type "http://localhost:8080/sample/"
All pages are store in: MainSiouxdirecotry/Pages:
For example "C:\Users\admin\Source\Repos\Sioux\Sioux\bin\Debug\pages"