There are three operations we need to perform on matrixes:
- pseudoinverse (pinv, ^-1)
- transposition (tr, ^T)
- multiplication (mul, X)
To handle larger sets of data, these will need to be performed on subsets of the data, stored in scratch space, and then folded into the final resulting matrix. The processing of these subsets can be scheduled weighting cache locality and freshness to minimize cache churn across cores.
The basic linear regression is:
ols x y = (pinv ((tr x) `mul` x )) `mul` ((tr x) `mul` y)
Breaking this down into operations:
i0 = x^T
i1 = i0 X x
pi = i1^-1
i3 = i0 X y
i4 = pi X i3
The data dependency graph:
i0 <- x
i1 <- x, i0
i2 <- i1
i3 <- i0, y
i4 <- i2, i3
And the data pipeline:
| |
B1 x -> i0 -> i1 -> pi ---\
| B3 |--> i4
B2 | y -> i3 ---/
| |