This blood bank project implements a terminal node js application that allows the user to SELECT, DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE, INNER JOIN.
- mysql
- console.table
- inquirer
- dotenv
OS X & Linux:
// clone the repo into computer
git clone
// cd into the repo
cd bloodbank
// create an .env file and password to .env
touch .env
open .env
// install npm packages stored in the package.json
npm i
// start the node application
node bloodbank.js
Run the schema.sql, blood_bank.sql, donor.sql, hospital.sql, patient.sql, blood_bank_donations.sql, blood_type_compability.sql, hospital_donations.sql, patient_blood_usage.sql in your mysql workbench.
Create an .env file and set your own password
DB_PASS: your_password
Run the application
node bloodbank.js
You can now SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT INNER JOINS, QUIT by clicking the options