PressAndHold is a neat MacOSX feature that let's you do a long press and get a little menu with accent options for a character.
You can get it up and running by using the command
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool true
Since the accent list is in a .plist
file, you can edit it to change or extend the characters offered.
I have done just that here. This .plist
file provides
- 𝔹𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕓𝕠𝕒𝕣𝕕 bold letters and digits - digits are handled by the key right underneath (in QWERTY) - so to get a 𝟛 you'll press and hold E. You also get ℼ, ℿ, ⅀, ℽ and ℾ.
- Superscript digits, placed together with the blackboard bold digits.
- More greek letters. You can usually get µ and π easily, and I know how to also get ∑ and Ω straightforwardly. But this gives press and hold access to
- 𝜔, 𝜛 (on w)
- 𝜀, 𝜂 (on e)
- 𝜌, 𝜚 (on r)
- 𝜏, 𝜃, 𝜗 (on t)
- 𝜄 (on i)
- 𝜓 (on p)
- 𝛼 (on a)
- 𝜎 and ς (on s)
- 𝛿 (on d)
- 𝜑 and 𝜙 (on f)
- 𝛾 (on g)
- ϰ (on k)
- 𝜆 (on l)
- 𝜁 (on z)
- 𝜉 and 𝜒 (on x)
- 𝛽 (on b) as well as
- 𝛩 (on T)
- ∏ and 𝛹 (on P)
- ∑ (on S)
- 𝛷 (on F)
- 𝛤 (on G)
- 𝛬 (on L)
- 𝛯 (on X)
- Arrows! Since S had a lot of letters assigned, arrows are
- a/A - ←⇐↚↢↞↤
- w/W - ↑⇑↥⤉↟
- d/D - →⇒↛↣↠↦
- x/X - ↓⇓↧⤈↡ (not S - we don't get WASD arrows alas)
- s/S - ↔︎⇔
- A few miscellaneous useful symbols hiding under q/Q - ∀∃∄ℵ∝
To use this, find out where your computer has On High Sierra, this is in /System/Library/Input Methods/
. Inside the app (which is actually a directory), there is a directory with a lot of .plist
files. It used to - on earlier versions - be in
if I remember correctly. On High Sierra, the .plist
definitions can be found in
- Back up the file
. It's probably possible to recover it, but don't take any risks here... - If on High Sierra or later, shut off SIP (system integrity protection):
- Reboot
- Hold Cmd+R as you boot it up. This gets you into rescue mode
- Open a terminal
- Run
csrutil disable
- this removes the integrity protection, making system files readable. This protection is there to protect from malicious software going in and messing with your system - but also stops you from messing with your system - Reboot
- Copy this
into the directory holding all the.plist
files - Test it immediately to make sure nothing's gone wrong
- Reenable SIP by:
- Reboot
- Hold Cmd+R as you boot it up. This gets you into rescue mode
- Open a terminal
- Run
csrutil enable
- Reboot