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feat: Implement group chat, message routing, and termination
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* Implement message handlers for GroupChatManagerBase
* Implement wrapping the runtime for GroupChatBase
* Define the adapter layer between Core and AgentChat
* Definte a basic StopMessage-based termination condition
* Implement de-minimis smoke test
  • Loading branch information
lokitoth committed Feb 7, 2025
1 parent 74dd993 commit 2406012
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Showing 12 changed files with 899 additions and 31 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -90,13 +90,13 @@ public struct AgentName

private static readonly Regex AgentNameRegex = new Regex($"^{IdStartClass}{IdContinueClass}*$", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Singleline);

public string Name { get; }
public string Value { get; }

public AgentName(string name)

this.Name = name;
this.Value = name;

public static bool IsValid(string name) => AgentNameRegex.IsMatch(name);
Expand All @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ public static void CheckValid(string name)

// Implicit cast to string
public static implicit operator string(AgentName agentName) => agentName.Name;
public static implicit operator string(AgentName agentName) => agentName.Value;

/// <summary>
Expand Down
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@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// ChatAgentRouter.cs

using Microsoft.AutoGen.AgentChat.Abstractions;
using Microsoft.AutoGen.Contracts;
using Microsoft.AutoGen.Core;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

namespace Microsoft.AutoGen.AgentChat.GroupChat;

public struct AgentChatConfig(IChatAgent chatAgent, string parentTopicType, string outputTopicType)
public string ParticipantTopicType => this.Name;
public string ParentTopicType { get; } = parentTopicType;
public string OutputTopicType { get; } = outputTopicType;

public IChatAgent ChatAgent { get; } = chatAgent;

public string Name => this.ChatAgent.Name;
public string Description => this.ChatAgent.Description;

internal sealed class ChatAgentRouter : HostableAgentAdapter,
private readonly TopicId parentTopic;
private readonly TopicId outputTopic;
private readonly IChatAgent agent;

public ChatAgentRouter(AgentInstantiationContext agentCtx, AgentChatConfig config, ILogger<BaseAgent>? logger = null) : base(agentCtx, config.Description, logger)
this.parentTopic = new TopicId(config.ParentTopicType, this.Id.Key);
this.outputTopic = new TopicId(config.OutputTopicType, this.Id.Key);

this.agent = config.ChatAgent;

public List<ChatMessage> MessageBuffer { get; private set; } = new();

public ValueTask HandleAsync(GroupChatStart item, MessageContext messageContext)
if (item.Messages != null)

return ValueTask.CompletedTask;

public ValueTask HandleAsync(GroupChatAgentResponse item, MessageContext messageContext)

return ValueTask.CompletedTask;

public async ValueTask HandleAsync(GroupChatRequestPublish item, MessageContext messageContext)
Response? response = null;

// TODO: Is there a better abstraction here than IAsyncEnumerable? Though the akwardness mainly comes from
// the lack of real type unions in C#, which is why we need to create the StreamingFrame type in the first
// place.
await foreach (ChatStreamFrame frame in this.agent.StreamAsync(this.MessageBuffer, messageContext.CancellationToken))
// TODO: call publish message
switch (frame.Type)
case ChatStreamFrame.FrameType.Response:
await this.PublishMessageAsync(new GroupChatMessage { Message = frame.Response!.Message }, this.outputTopic);
response = frame.Response;
case ChatStreamFrame.FrameType.InternalMessage:
await this.PublishMessageAsync(new GroupChatMessage { Message = frame.InternalMessage! }, this.outputTopic);

if (response == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("The agent did not produce a final response. Check the agent's on_messages_stream method.");


await this.PublishMessageAsync(new GroupChatAgentResponse { AgentResponse = response }, this.parentTopic);

public ValueTask HandleAsync(GroupChatReset item, MessageContext messageContext)
return this.agent.ResetAsync(messageContext.CancellationToken);

222 changes: 210 additions & 12 deletions dotnet/src/Microsoft.AutoGen/AgentChat/GroupChat/GroupChatBase.cs
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@@ -1,37 +1,235 @@
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// GroupChatBase.cs

using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Microsoft.AutoGen.AgentChat.Abstractions;
using Microsoft.AutoGen.Contracts;
using Microsoft.AutoGen.Core;

namespace Microsoft.AutoGen.AgentChat.GroupChat;

internal static class AgentsRuntimeExtensions
public static async ValueTask<AgentType> RegisterChatAgentAsync(this IAgentRuntime runtime, AgentChatConfig config)
AgentType type = config.Name;

AgentType resultType = await runtime.RegisterAgentFactoryAsync(type,
(id, runtime) =>
AgentInstantiationContext agentContext = new AgentInstantiationContext(id, runtime);
return ValueTask.FromResult<IHostableAgent>(new ChatAgentRouter(agentContext, config));

await runtime.AddSubscriptionAsync(new TypeSubscription(config.ParticipantTopicType, type));
await runtime.AddSubscriptionAsync(new TypeSubscription(config.ParentTopicType, type));

return resultType;

public static async ValueTask<AgentType> RegisterGroupChatManagerAsync<TManager>(this IAgentRuntime runtime, GroupChatOptions options, string teamId, Func<GroupChatOptions, TManager> factory)
where TManager : GroupChatManagerBase
AgentType type = GroupChatBase<TManager>.GroupChatManagerTopicType;
AgentId expectedId = new AgentId(type, teamId);

AgentType resultType = await runtime.RegisterAgentFactoryAsync(type,
(id, runtime) =>
Debug.Assert(expectedId == id, $"Expecting the AgentId {expectedId} to be the teamId {id}");

AgentInstantiationContext agentContext = new AgentInstantiationContext(id, runtime);
TManager gcm = factory(options); // TODO: Should we allow this to be async?

return ValueTask.FromResult<IHostableAgent>(new GroupChatHandlerRouter<TManager>(agentContext, gcm));

await runtime.AddSubscriptionAsync(new TypeSubscription(GroupChatBase<TManager>.GroupChatManagerTopicType, resultType));
await runtime.AddSubscriptionAsync(new TypeSubscription(options.GroupChatTopicType, resultType));

return resultType;

public static async ValueTask<AgentType> RegisterOutputCollectorAsync(this IAgentRuntime runtime, IOutputCollectionSink sink, string outputTopicType)
AgentType type = GroupChatBase<GroupChatManagerBase>.CollectorAgentType;
AgentType resultType = await runtime.RegisterAgentFactoryAsync(type,
(id, runtime) =>
AgentInstantiationContext agentContext = new AgentInstantiationContext(id, runtime);
return ValueTask.FromResult<IHostableAgent>(new OutputCollectorAgent(agentContext, sink));

await runtime.AddSubscriptionAsync(new TypeSubscription(outputTopicType, type));

return resultType;

public abstract class GroupChatBase<TManager> : ITeam where TManager : GroupChatManagerBase
public GroupChatBase(List<IChatAgent> participants, ITerminationCondition? terminationCondition = null, int? maxTurns = null)
// TODO: Where do these come from?
internal const string GroupTopicType = "group_topic";
internal const string OutputTopicType = "output_topic";
internal const string GroupChatManagerTopicType = "group_chat_manager";
internal const string CollectorAgentType = "collect_output_messages";

private GroupChatOptions GroupChatOptions { get; }

private readonly List<AgentMessage> messageThread = new();
private Dictionary<string, AgentChatConfig> Participants { get; } = new();

protected GroupChatBase(List<IChatAgent> participants, ITerminationCondition? terminationCondition = null, int? maxTurns = null)
this.TeamId = Guid.NewGuid();
this.GroupChatOptions = new GroupChatOptions(GroupTopicType, OutputTopicType)
TerminationCondition = terminationCondition,
MaxTurns = maxTurns,

foreach (var participant in participants)
AgentChatConfig config = new AgentChatConfig(participant, GroupTopicType, OutputTopicType);
this.Participants[participant.Name] = config;
this.GroupChatOptions.Participants[participant.Name] = (config.ParticipantTopicType, participant.Description);

this.messageThread = new List<AgentMessage>(); // TODO: Allow injecting this

this.TeamId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToLowerInvariant();

/// <summary>
/// Gets the team id.
/// </summary>
public Guid TeamId
public string TeamId
private set;

/// <inheritdoc cref="ITeam.ResetAsync(CancellationToken)"/>/>/>
public virtual TManager CreateChatManager(GroupChatOptions options)
if (Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TManager), options) is TManager result)
return result;
catch (TargetInvocationException tie)
throw new Exception("Could not create chat manager", tie.InnerException);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("Could not create chat manager", ex);

throw new Exception("Could not create chat manager; make sure that it contains a ctor() or ctor(GroupChatOptions), or override the CreateChatManager method");

// TODO: Turn this into an IDisposable-based utility
private int running; // = 0
private bool EnsureSingleRun()
return Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref running, 1, 0) == 0;

private void EndRun()
this.running = 0;

public IAsyncEnumerable<TaskFrame> StreamAsync(string task, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(task))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(task));

// TODO: Send this on
TextMessage taskStart = new()
Content = task,
Source = "user"

return this.StreamAsync(taskStart, cancellationToken);

public ValueTask ResetAsync(CancellationToken cancel)
throw new NotImplementedException();
return ValueTask.CompletedTask;

/// <inheritdoc cref="ITaskRunner.StreamAsync(ChatMessage?, CancellationToken)"/>/>/>
public IAsyncEnumerable<TaskFrame> StreamAsync(ChatMessage? task, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
public async IAsyncEnumerable<TaskFrame> StreamAsync(ChatMessage? task, [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
task = task ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(task));
if (task == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(task));

if (!this.EnsureSingleRun())
throw new InvalidOperationException("The task is already running.");

// TODO: How do we allow the user to configure this?
//AgentsAppBuilder builder = new AgentsAppBuilder().UseInProcessRuntime();
InProcessRuntime runtime = new InProcessRuntime();

foreach (AgentChatConfig config in this.Participants.Values)
await runtime.RegisterChatAgentAsync(config);

await runtime.RegisterGroupChatManagerAsync(this.GroupChatOptions, this.TeamId, this.CreateChatManager);

OutputSink outputSink = new OutputSink();
await runtime.RegisterOutputCollectorAsync(outputSink, this.GroupChatOptions.OutputTopicType);

await runtime.StartAsync();

Task shutdownTask = Task.CompletedTask;

// TODO: Protos
GroupChatStart taskMessage = new GroupChatStart
Messages = [task]

List<AgentMessage> runMessages = new();

AgentId chatManagerId = new AgentId(GroupChatManagerTopicType, this.TeamId);
await runtime.SendMessageAsync(taskMessage, chatManagerId, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);

shutdownTask = Task.Run(runtime.RunUntilIdleAsync);

while (true)
OutputSink.SinkFrame frame = await outputSink.WaitForDataAsync(cancellationToken);

foreach (AgentMessage message in frame.Messages)
yield return new TaskFrame(message);

if (frame.IsTerminal)
TaskResult result = new TaskResult(runMessages);
yield return new TaskFrame(result);

return this.StreamAsync(task, cancellationToken);
await shutdownTask;

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