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chore: rework wait task to accept arbitrary task on dom world (#126)
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dgozman authored and yury-s committed Dec 3, 2019
1 parent 99f9b11 commit e124d44
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Showing 12 changed files with 243 additions and 268 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
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@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/
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Expand Up @@ -1828,7 +1828,7 @@ await element.setInputFiles('/tmp/myfile.pdf');
#### page.waitForFunction(pageFunction[, options[, ...args]])
- `pageFunction` <[function]|[string]> Function to be evaluated in browser context
- `options` <[Object]> Optional waiting parameters
- `polling` <[string]|[number]> An interval at which the `pageFunction` is executed, defaults to `raf`. If `polling` is a number, then it is treated as an interval in milliseconds at which the function would be executed. If `polling` is a string, then it can be one of the following values:
- `polling` <[number]|"raf"|"mutation"> An interval at which the `pageFunction` is executed, defaults to `raf`. If `polling` is a number, then it is treated as an interval in milliseconds at which the function would be executed. If `polling` is a string, then it can be one of the following values:
- `raf` - to constantly execute `pageFunction` in `requestAnimationFrame` callback. This is the tightest polling mode which is suitable to observe styling changes.
- `mutation` - to execute `pageFunction` on every DOM mutation.
- `timeout` <[number]> maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to `30000` (30 seconds). Pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2864,7 +2864,7 @@ await page.waitFor(selector => !!document.querySelector(selector), {}, selector)
#### frame.waitForFunction(pageFunction[, options[, ...args]])
- `pageFunction` <[function]|[string]> Function to be evaluated in browser context
- `options` <[Object]> Optional waiting parameters
- `polling` <[string]|[number]> An interval at which the `pageFunction` is executed, defaults to `raf`. If `polling` is a number, then it is treated as an interval in milliseconds at which the function would be executed. If `polling` is a string, then it can be one of the following values:
- `polling` <[number]|"raf"|"mutation"> An interval at which the `pageFunction` is executed, defaults to `raf`. If `polling` is a number, then it is treated as an interval in milliseconds at which the function would be executed. If `polling` is a string, then it can be one of the following values:
- `raf` - to constantly execute `pageFunction` in `requestAnimationFrame` callback. This is the tightest polling mode which is suitable to observe styling changes.
- `mutation` - to execute `pageFunction` on every DOM mutation.
- `timeout` <[number]> maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to `30000` (30 seconds). Pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
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5 changes: 1 addition & 4 deletions src/chromium/Page.ts
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Expand Up @@ -579,10 +579,7 @@ export class Page extends EventEmitter {
return this.mainFrame().waitForXPath(xpath, options);

waitForFunction(pageFunction: Function, options: {
polling?: string | number;
timeout?: number; } = {},
...args: any[]): Promise<js.JSHandle> {
waitForFunction(pageFunction: Function | string, options: dom.WaitForFunctionOptions, ...args: any[]): Promise<js.JSHandle> {
return this.mainFrame().waitForFunction(pageFunction, options, ...args);
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80 changes: 50 additions & 30 deletions src/dom.ts
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Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import * as cssSelectorEngineSource from './generated/cssSelectorEngineSource';
import * as xpathSelectorEngineSource from './generated/xpathSelectorEngineSource';
import { assert, helper } from './helper';
import Injected from './injected/injected';
import { WaitTaskParams } from './waitTask';

export interface DOMWorldDelegate {
keyboard: input.Keyboard;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -307,36 +306,57 @@ function selectorToString(selector: Selector): string {
return `:scope >> ${selector.selector}`;

export type Task = (domWorld: DOMWorld) => Promise<js.JSHandle>;

export type Polling = 'raf' | 'mutation' | number;
export type WaitForFunctionOptions = { polling?: Polling, timeout?: number };

export function waitForFunctionTask(pageFunction: Function | string, options: WaitForFunctionOptions, ...args: any[]) {
const { polling = 'raf' } = options;
if (helper.isString(polling))
assert(polling === 'raf' || polling === 'mutation', 'Unknown polling option: ' + polling);
else if (helper.isNumber(polling))
assert(polling > 0, 'Cannot poll with non-positive interval: ' + polling);
throw new Error('Unknown polling options: ' + polling);
const predicateBody = helper.isString(pageFunction) ? 'return (' + pageFunction + ')' : 'return (' + pageFunction + ')(...args)';

return async (domWorld: DOMWorld) => domWorld.context.evaluateHandle((injected: Injected, predicateBody: string, polling: Polling, timeout: number, ...args) => {
const predicate = new Function('...args', predicateBody);
if (polling === 'raf')
return injected.pollRaf(predicate, timeout, ...args);
if (polling === 'mutation')
return injected.pollMutation(predicate, timeout, ...args);
return injected.pollInterval(polling, predicate, timeout, ...args);
}, await domWorld.injected(), predicateBody, polling, options.timeout, ...args);

export type WaitForSelectorOptions = { visible?: boolean, hidden?: boolean, timeout?: number };

export function waitForSelectorTask(selector: string, options: WaitForSelectorOptions): WaitTaskParams {
const { visible: waitForVisible = false, hidden: waitForHidden = false, timeout } = options;
const polling = waitForVisible || waitForHidden ? 'raf' : 'mutation';
const title = `selector "${selector}"${waitForHidden ? ' to be hidden' : ''}`;
const params: WaitTaskParams = {
predicateBody: predicate,
args: [normalizeSelector(selector), waitForVisible, waitForHidden],
passInjected: true
return params;

function predicate(injected: Injected, selector: string, waitForVisible: boolean, waitForHidden: boolean): (Node | boolean) | null {
const element = injected.querySelector(selector, document);
if (!element)
return waitForHidden;
if (!waitForVisible && !waitForHidden)
return element;
const style = window.getComputedStyle(element);
const isVisible = style && style.visibility !== 'hidden' && hasVisibleBoundingBox();
const success = (waitForVisible === isVisible || waitForHidden === !isVisible);
return success ? element : null;

function hasVisibleBoundingBox(): boolean {
const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
return !!( || rect.bottom || rect.width || rect.height);
export function waitForSelectorTask(selector: string, options: WaitForSelectorOptions): Task {
const { visible: waitForVisible = false, hidden: waitForHidden = false } = options;
selector = normalizeSelector(selector);

return async (domWorld: DOMWorld) => domWorld.context.evaluateHandle((injected: Injected, selector: string, waitForVisible: boolean, waitForHidden: boolean, timeout: number) => {
if (waitForVisible || waitForHidden)
return injected.pollRaf(predicate, timeout);
return injected.pollMutation(predicate, timeout);

function predicate(): Element | boolean {
const element = injected.querySelector(selector, document);
if (!element)
return waitForHidden;
if (!waitForVisible && !waitForHidden)
return element;
const style = window.getComputedStyle(element);
const isVisible = style && style.visibility !== 'hidden' && hasVisibleBoundingBox();
const success = (waitForVisible === isVisible || waitForHidden === !isVisible);
return success ? element : false;

function hasVisibleBoundingBox(): boolean {
const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
return !!( || rect.bottom || rect.width || rect.height);
}, await domWorld.injected(), selector, waitForVisible, waitForHidden, options.timeout);
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/firefox/Page.ts
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Expand Up @@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ export class Page extends EventEmitter {
return this._frameManager.mainFrame().waitFor(selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout, options, ...args);

waitForFunction(pageFunction: Function | string, options: { polling?: string | number; timeout?: number; } | undefined = {}, ...args): Promise<js.JSHandle> {
waitForFunction(pageFunction: Function | string, options: dom.WaitForFunctionOptions, ...args): Promise<js.JSHandle> {
return this._frameManager.mainFrame().waitForFunction(pageFunction, options, ...args);

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132 changes: 101 additions & 31 deletions src/frames.ts
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Expand Up @@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ import * as dom from './dom';
import * as network from './network';
import { helper, assert } from './helper';
import { ClickOptions, MultiClickOptions, PointerActionOptions, SelectOption } from './input';
import { WaitTaskParams, WaitTask } from './waitTask';
import { TimeoutSettings } from './TimeoutSettings';
import { TimeoutError } from './Errors';

const readFileAsync = helper.promisify(fs.readFile);

Expand All @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ type World = {
contextPromise: Promise<js.ExecutionContext>;
contextResolveCallback: (c: js.ExecutionContext) => void;
context: js.ExecutionContext | null;
waitTasks: Set<WaitTask>;
rerunnableTasks: Set<RerunnableTask>;

export type NavigateOptions = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ export class Frame {
this._timeoutSettings = timeoutSettings;
this._parentFrame = parentFrame;

this._worlds.set('main', { contextPromise: new Promise(() => {}), contextResolveCallback: () => {}, context: null, waitTasks: new Set() });
this._worlds.set('utility', { contextPromise: new Promise(() => {}), contextResolveCallback: () => {}, context: null, waitTasks: new Set() });
this._worlds.set('main', { contextPromise: new Promise(() => {}), contextResolveCallback: () => {}, context: null, rerunnableTasks: new Set() });
this._worlds.set('utility', { contextPromise: new Promise(() => {}), contextResolveCallback: () => {}, context: null, rerunnableTasks: new Set() });
this._setContext('main', null);
this._setContext('utility', null);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -386,8 +386,9 @@ export class Frame {

async waitForSelector(selector: string, options: dom.WaitForSelectorOptions = {}): Promise<dom.ElementHandle | null> {
const params = dom.waitForSelectorTask(selector, { timeout: this._timeoutSettings.timeout(), ...options });
const handle = await this._scheduleWaitTask(params, 'utility');
const task = dom.waitForSelectorTask(selector, { timeout: this._timeoutSettings.timeout(), ...options });
const title = `selector "${selector}"${options.hidden ? ' to be hidden' : ''}`;
const handle = await this._scheduleRerunnableTask(task, 'utility', options.timeout, title);
if (!handle.asElement()) {
await handle.dispose();
return null;
Expand All @@ -404,22 +405,10 @@ export class Frame {
return this.waitForSelector('xpath=' + xpath, options);

pageFunction: Function | string,
options: { polling?: string | number; timeout?: number; } = {},
...args): Promise<js.JSHandle> {
const {
polling = 'raf',
timeout = this._timeoutSettings.timeout(),
} = options;
const params: WaitTaskParams = {
predicateBody: pageFunction,
title: 'function',
return this._scheduleWaitTask(params, 'main');
waitForFunction(pageFunction: Function | string, options: dom.WaitForFunctionOptions = {}, ...args: any[]): Promise<js.JSHandle> {
options = { timeout: this._timeoutSettings.timeout(), ...options };
const task = dom.waitForFunctionTask(pageFunction, options, ...args);
return this._scheduleRerunnableTask(task, 'main', options.timeout);

async title(): Promise<string> {
Expand All @@ -435,30 +424,31 @@ export class Frame {
_detach() {
this._detached = true;
for (const world of this._worlds.values()) {
for (const waitTask of world.waitTasks)
waitTask.terminate(new Error('waitForFunction failed: frame got detached.'));
for (const rerunnableTask of world.rerunnableTasks)
rerunnableTask.terminate(new Error('waitForFunction failed: frame got detached.'));
if (this._parentFrame)
this._parentFrame = null;

private _scheduleWaitTask(params: WaitTaskParams, worldType: WorldType): Promise<js.JSHandle> {
private _scheduleRerunnableTask(task: dom.Task, worldType: WorldType, timeout?: number, title?: string): Promise<js.JSHandle> {
const world = this._worlds.get(worldType);
const task = new WaitTask(params, () => world.waitTasks.delete(task));
const rerunnableTask = new RerunnableTask(world, task, timeout, title);
if (world.context)
return task.promise;
return rerunnableTask.promise;

private _setContext(worldType: WorldType, context: js.ExecutionContext | null) {
const world = this._worlds.get(worldType);
world.context = context;
if (context) {
assert(context._domWorld, 'Frame context must have a dom world');, context);
for (const waitTask of world.waitTasks)
for (const rerunnableTask of world.rerunnableTasks)
} else {
world.contextPromise = new Promise(fulfill => {
world.contextResolveCallback = fulfill;
Expand All @@ -483,3 +473,83 @@ export class Frame {

class RerunnableTask {
readonly promise: Promise<js.JSHandle>;
private _world: World;
private _task: dom.Task;
private _runCount: number;
private _resolve: (result: js.JSHandle) => void;
private _reject: (reason: Error) => void;
private _timeoutTimer: NodeJS.Timer;
private _terminated: boolean;

constructor(world: World, task: dom.Task, timeout?: number, title?: string) {
this._world = world;
this._task = task;
this._runCount = 0;
this.promise = new Promise<js.JSHandle>((resolve, reject) => {
this._resolve = resolve;
this._reject = reject;
// Since page navigation requires us to re-install the pageScript, we should track
// timeout on our end.
if (timeout) {
const timeoutError = new TimeoutError(`waiting for ${title || 'function'} failed: timeout ${timeout}ms exceeded`);
this._timeoutTimer = setTimeout(() => this.terminate(timeoutError), timeout);

terminate(error: Error) {
this._terminated = true;

async rerun(domWorld: dom.DOMWorld) {
const runCount = ++this._runCount;
let success: js.JSHandle | null = null;
let error = null;
try {
success = await this._task(domWorld);
} catch (e) {
error = e;

if (this._terminated || runCount !== this._runCount) {
if (success)
await success.dispose();

// Ignore timeouts in pageScript - we track timeouts ourselves.
// If execution context has been already destroyed, `context.evaluate` will
// throw an error - ignore this predicate run altogether.
if (!error && await domWorld.context.evaluate(s => !s, success).catch(e => true)) {
await success.dispose();

// When the page is navigated, the promise is rejected.
// We will try again in the new execution context.
if (error && error.message.includes('Execution context was destroyed'))

// We could have tried to evaluate in a context which was already
// destroyed.
if (error && error.message.includes('Cannot find context with specified id'))

if (error)


_doCleanup() {

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