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Releases: microsoft/react-native-code-push


14 Sep 08:29
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New Features and Improvements

  1. Implement Code Signing feature for Android/iOS SDKs. Follow this link for more details.

  2. Restore compatibility with RN v0.46 #980 Thanks @cooperka

Bug Fixes

  1. Fix incorrect long value restoration from strings.xml #956

  2. Fix WPF. Application crashes on startup #973 Thanks @abodalevsky

  3. Fix check if package metadata is null #992 Thanks @AndrewJack

Document Upgrade

  1. Added create-react-native-app information to README #979 Thanks @Zakeelm

  2. Update the debug message for missing bundles #923 Thanks @cooperka


02 Aug 11:52
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Breaking Changes

  1. Added support for RN 0.47x versions for Android (#895)

NOTE: Current version of React Native Code Push is compatible with RN 0.47x versions only

Document Upgrade

  1. Clarify store rulings (#936) Thanks @kelset


20 Jul 10:43
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New Features and Improvements

  1. Added tvOS target for iOS (#824) Thanks @JulienKode

  2. Added an optional callback function that can be used to notify user if there are any binary updates (#920) Thanks @akki-ng and @disharmonized

Bug Fixes

  1. Fix declaration of "_installMode" to remove warnings (#922) Thanks @newyankeecodeshop

  2. Prevent Rollback crash when binary was updated (#924) Thanks @AndrewJack

Document Upgrade

  1. Added InstallMode.ON_NEXT_SUSPEND option description (#928) Thanks @disharmonized


11 Jul 12:14
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Breaking Changes

  1. Added support for RN 0.46x versions for Android (#905)

NOTE: Current version of React Native Code Push is compatible with RN 0.46x versions only


04 Jul 07:48
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Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed issue when React native app on Android fails to restart after an update, crashing #910


04 Jul 07:41
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Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed issue when React native app on Android fails to restart after an update, crashing #910


28 Jun 11:59
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Breaking Changes

  1. Current version of React Native Code Push is compatible with RN 0.45x versions only (#901)

Fixes and Improvements

  1. Fix dependency issue with codepush.gradle (#902) Thanks @mikelambert

  2. Improved logic for searching plist path (case when package name is not equal to iOS ProductName) (#903)

  3. [WPF] Fix application crash when storage file was deleted while app is being active. (#897) Thanks @abodalevsky

  4. [WPF:Windows] Added ability to update application installed in Program Files folder (#813) Thanks @abodalevsky

  5. [Windows] Implemented TelemetryManager (#812) Thanks @abodalevsky

  6. Fix typo in resourcesDirConfigName path configuration in codepush.gradle file (#876)

Document Upgrade

  1. Fixed incorrect link reference (#900)

  2. Removed @latest from npm install (#889) Thanks @GantMan

  3. Fixed import example for #import <React/RCTLog.h> (#884) @nerdmed


07 Jun 08:34
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New Features and Improvements

  1. Allow custom node path (#860) Thanks @iacopo87

  2. Use project.ext.react root prop to specify node_modules path (#869)

  3. Improved logic to show error msg dependent on debug/release config (#811)

  4. Improved gradle temp file naming strategy to allow concurrent android builds (#857) Thanks @oliversommer

  5. Avoid to set refs on stateless components (#866) Thanks @farwayer

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed issue with error on parsing plist path (#842)

  2. Fixed packageHash not passed to /updateCheck on Android (#803) Thanks @jiaminglu

  3. Fixed issue with [Android] restartApp() throwing exception w/ release build (#861)

  4. Fixed return value for get update metadata (#864)
    Important: return type for getUpdateMetadata was changed to null instead of empty string to be consistent with iOS implementation and docs

  5. Fixed issue with attempt to invoke virtual method 'char[] java.lang.String.toCharArray()' on a null object reference (#795) Thanks @AndrewJack

  6. Fixed [Android] App restart loop when using InstallMode.ON_NEXT_RESUME (#841) Thanks @AndrewJack

Document Upgrade

  1. Improved README doc (#794, #830) Thanks @almirfilho, @MichalRemis


03 May 08:02
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New Features

  1. Implement new ON_NEXT_SUSPEND install mode (#770) (@sergey-akhalkov)

Bug Fixes

  1. Fix issue when CodePush update crashes silently on iOS #816 (@minhtc)
  2. Bump code-push dependency to fix warnings from yarn regarding node-uuid (#796) (@max-mironov)
  3. Fix issue when CodePush won't install updates if an error occurs in codePushStatusDidChange and downloadProgressCallback methods (#787) (@sergey-akhalkov)


05 May 05:35
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Bug Fixes

  1. Fix issue when CodePush update crashes silently on iOS #816 (@minhtc)