(note: Eugene Ware has a Docker wordpress container build on nginx with some other goodies; you can check out his work here.)
(N.B. the way that Docker handles permissions may vary depending on your current Docker version. If you're getting errors like
dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: permission denied
when you run the below commands, simply use sudo. This is a known issue.)
This repo contains a recipe for making a Docker container for Wordpress, using Linux, Apache and MySQL. To build, make sure you have Docker installed, clone this repo somewhere, and then run:
docker build -rm -t <yourname>/wordpress .
Or, alternately, build DIRECTLY from the github repo like some sort of AMAZING FUTURO JULES-VERNESQUE SEA EXPLORER:
docker build -rm -t <yourname>/wordpress git://github.com/jbfink/docker-wordpress.git
Then run it! Woo!
docker run -d -p 80 -p 22 <yourname>/wordpress
Check docker logs after running to see MySQL root password and Wordpress MySQL password, as so
echo $(docker logs <container-id> | grep password)
(note: you won't need the mysql root or the wordpress db password normally)
Then find the external port assigned to your container:
docker port <container-id> 80
Visit in a webrowser, then fill out the form. No need to mess with wp-config.php, it's been auto-generated with proper values.
Note that this image now has a user account (appropriately named "user") and passwordless sudo for that user account. The password is generated upon startup; check logs for "ssh user password", docker ps for the port assigned to 22, and something like this to get in:
ssh -p <port> user@localhost