Here are some common extensions you way want to add:
<!-- Sends events to the audit svc -->
<!-- Naming strategy for Hibernate - i.e. CustomerAddress to customer_address -->
<!-- Adds a correlation-id to all requests if there isn't one -->
<!-- Maps error responses to a common format -->
<!-- Adds beans related to OIDC connections to -->
Or you can add a dependency which includes all of those:
When setting the JDBC url, be sure to include the schema so Flyway doesn't run migrations in the public schema:
url: jdbc:postgresql://${SERVICE_PACKAGE_NAME}?currentSchema=${SERVICE_PACKAGE_NAME}
Use docker compose to start the back end services (postgres, keycloak):
docker compose --profile dev --env-file ./service/.env up
An IntelliJ launcher named "service" will be created by Quarkus and you can use this to launch/debug your service.
Alternatively, you can run the entire stack (back end services plus ${FULL_SERVICE_NAME}, assuming you have built the ${FULL_SERVICE_NAME} container locally)
docker compose --profile all --env-file ./service/.env up
The ./service/.env file is required. Please see the template.env and the wiki for more information.
Note: All services have a profile, so a generic docker compose up
won't do anything. You must specify a profile or a service with docker compose up $service
If you want to build the ${FULL_SERVICE_NAME} locally
mvn package -DskipTests \ \
-Dquarkus.container-image.repository= \ \ \