Golang Negroni middleware for the gocql package.
Depends on Gorilla Context Package `
Nov-16-2014: Changed from Session to CQLSession to avoid Session issues in Negroni by Dal-Papa. This pull will break older builds.
router := mux.NewRouter()
router.HandleFunc("/", MyHandler ).Methods("POST")
n := negroni.Classic()
cqldb := negronicql.New()
//set cluster options here if needed, defaults to localhost
//cqldb.Ips = []string{"", ""}
//cqldb.Consistency = gocql.Quorum
cqldb.Keyspace = "MyKeySpace"
//defer close here IMPORTANT
defer cqldb.Session.Close()
func MyHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
//grab the session here
session = context.Get( req, "CQLSession" ).(*gocql.Session)
Run your queries like normal on the gocql session:
session.Query( `SELECT * FROM blah` ).Consistency(gocql.One).Exec()
If you want to customize your ClusterConfig object, you can instantiate one, give it its attributes and Connect().
cqldb := negronicql.New()
cqldb.Cluster = gocql.NewCluster("", "")
cqldb.Cluster.Authenticator = gocql.PasswordAuthenticator{"user", "password"}
cqldb.Cluster.Port = 4242
cqldb.Cluster.Keyspace = "MyKeySpace"
cqldb.Cluster.Consistency = gocql.Quorum
// ...
Author : Mike B Thun @mikebthun
Contrib : Clem DalPalu @Dal-Papa
The MIT License (MIT)