Extension to add Prometheus telemetry support to Wiremock.
This repo utilized PostServeAction
to record all requests and AdminApiExtention
to expose metrics in Prometheus format (under /admin__metrics
metric name | description | tags |
requestTimer_ms_count | count of requests | path - url stub, pattern status - http status, method - http method |
requestTimer_ms_sum | summary of latency in milliseconds | path - url stub, pattern status - http status, method - http method |
requestTimer_ms_bucket | Latency buckets, to be used with percentile functions | le - less equal, path - url stub pattern, status - http status, method - http method |
wiremock_metrics_errors_total | Errors while calculating metrics | errType - error type |
./gradlew clean fatJar
Ready to use jar will be under build/libs
after creating the jar above, you can run wiremock with prometheus telemetry.
WireMockServer server = new WireMockServer(conf.port(8092).extensions(new PrometheusExporterExtension(), new MetricsExtension()));
add the generated jar to some dir (/WIREMOCK-EXTENSIONS-PATH/lib/)
java -cp /WIREMOCK-PATH/lib/*:/WIREMOCK-EXTENSIONS-PATH/lib/* com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.standalone.WireMockServerRunner --extensions=wiremock.PrometheusExporterExtension,wiremock.MetricsExtension
prometheus endpoint will be exposed as /__admin/metrics
You can import the wiremock-dashboard.json, located in grafana folder.