A helpful decorator to run Redux actions in universal React apps with support for Promises.
In a universal app you will want the store's state from the sever to
match on the client side. You can solve this by adding a static method
to a component, or adding a property to the route definition.
hopes to solve this with a decorator, a promise, and
your existing Redux actions.
The decorator for your components. If no serverAction
is given then
will run on both sides.
Note: You will want to group
decorators and place them as close to the component as possible (aka after any@connect
or other decorators).
import { preheat } from 'redux-preheat'
import * as actions from './actions'
// `actions.fetchData` will be called on either the client or server.
// `actions.fetchDataClient` will be called on the client.
// `actions.fetchDataServer` will be called on the server.
@preheat(actions.fetchDataClient, actions.fetchDataServer)
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
render () {
// ...
The promise used on the server. This example uses react-router
import { getPreheatPromise } from 'redux-preheat'
app.get('/*', function (req, res) {
match({ routes, location: req.url }, function (error, redirectLocation, renderProps) {
if (renderProps) {
// We have to pass the store to `getPreheatPromise`.
let store = createStore({})
// Get the list of components for the current route.
let components = renderProps.components
// On the client the action will be passed the component instance as an
// argument, on the server we decide what to pass.
// You will want this to be something the action can use to get request
// params or some insight to the request.
let actionArg = renderProps
getPreheatPromise(store, components, actionArg).then(function () {
const content = renderToString(
<Provider store={store}>
<RoutingContext {...renderProps} />
res.status(200).send(renderMarkup(content, store.getState()))
See the app in example/