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[deviantArt] [feature request] Download description text #189

a-washing-machine opened this issue Mar 13, 2019 · 2 comments

[deviantArt] [feature request] Download description text #189

a-washing-machine opened this issue Mar 13, 2019 · 2 comments


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Possible feature request: Ability to download the text-description of an artwork, and by extension, of all artworks in a gallery / collection.

(Optionally, perhaps only triggered via command line parameter to turn it on/off. I'd always leave it on personally, but not everybody would of course.)

Descriptions on deviantArt are provided as HTML by the API, "black text on white background" style, which is fine by me.

Possible save location could be a folder "./descriptions" in the gallery or collection being downloaded, or just "./DESCR" to conserve precious file path length.

The reason I'm asking is that some artists have a habit of putting stories in their artwork-descriptions.

I tried to look into this myself, but didn't get all that far due to my complete lack of python-experience. ^_^;;

I checked deviantArt's API documentation, it should be possible to get the description from a deviation's metadata:

GET /deviation/metadata
metadata (array)

    deviationid (UUID)
    printid (UUID|null)
    author (user object)
    is_watching (boolean)
    title (string)
    description (html)

title:"Difficult Conversations"
description:""All I want to know is <i>why."<br /><br /><br /></i>"Why?" Blueblood took a calm, unhurried sip of wine, before fixing Vogue with a light smile. "Why, because the lilies have just come into bloom, my dear. Look around-isn't it lovely? It truly is the perfect day for a stroll through the gardens."<br /><br /><br />Vogue sent him a flat look. <i>"Of course.</i> And your leisurely stroll<i> just </i>so happened to take place at the exact same time and location as my private birthday party in the garden."<br /><br /><br />"Oh,<i> is </i>it your birthday?" Blueblood blinked, and his smile grew wider. "Goodness, what a coincidence. Must've skipped my mind completely-"<br /><br /><br />"That's not true, Duke Blueblood." Vogue said firmly. "I saw for myself. There was a present from you hidden under the gift table. I snuck and opened it when Daddy and Maman were busy mingling with the nobles. It's a number six Canterlot Carousel chiffon blue gown. Very expensive. Custom tailored." Vogue peered up at him over her glasses. "...I can't help wondering how you'd know to get me the <i>exact </i>dress I've been eyeing for weeks. Right down to the matching necklace and bracelet. Unless...." Here she paused for dramatic effect, adjusting her glasses-"You've been <i>stalking</i> me!" <br /><br />Blueblood resisted the urge to chuckle at her determined face-with her muzzle so adorably scrunched up. "My! It appears Canterlot has a detective in its midst! Alright, my dear, you've caught me. It's perhaps possible that I asked my servants to keep an eye on you. I simply wanted to get you something nice for your party." <br /><br />"A creepy means to an end, monsieur." Vogue sniffed. "I do <i>not</i> appreciate being spied upon."<br /><br />"Fair enough." Blueblood nodded. "You have my word to never intrude on your privacy again."<br /><br />"And yet here you are." Vogue swung her head to look at him, narrowing her eyes. "Here at <i>this </i>birthday party, present at the last, and the one before <i>that</i>....I would assume the Grand Duke of Canterlot would have better things to do than socialize with a <i>filly."</i><br /><br />"You make it sound so <i>malicious,</i> my dear. Perhaps you shouldn't check out so many murder-mystery novels from Canterlot library. You're becoming melodramatic." He took another drink from his glass, before realizing Vogue was gawking at him.<br /><br /><br /><i>"How do you know about-"<br /><br /></i><br />"Er,<i> ahem. </i>Your addiction to the genre is truly astounding." Blueblood said quickly. "The, er....the librarians there have started gossiping about you-that's how I overheard-" <br /><br /><br />Vogue shuddered. "You're <i>spying</i> on me. <i>All</i> the time." She breathed, eyes wide. "W-What<i> else</i> have you seen? Why are you <i>stalking </i>me?" She began taking quick, frightened steps backwards. "Duke Blueblood-"<br /><br /><br />"Come now, don't make a scene." Blueblood chided, rolling his eyes. <i>"Honestly.</i> You're nearly as melodramatic as your mother. I haven't been stalking you, dear girl-I'm not a villain from one of your story books. I've merely been <i>observing.</i> And why not? You're the daughter of two of my oldest friends-I was there when you were born. You'll have to excuse me if I've formed any sort of familial attachment to you."<br /><br /><br />"I..." Vogue relaxed just a little, but her eyes still held suspicion. "I..if you're so interested in family bonds, wouldn't you be better off tending to your own children?"<br /><br /><br />The duke winced. "I'm afraid I don't....have any." <br /><br /><br />Vogue's gaze held on him a long time. Piercing, intelligent....Blueblood began to feel like a foal himself under it. He took a long drink of wine, draining his glass. <br /><br /><br />"Er, anyway, you <i>should</i> really run along and play with your friends now, my dear. I only dropped by to wish you a happy birthday." He finally turned to look at her, and taking her in now, a soft, genuine smile crossed the duke's face. "....You're growing up, you know. Becoming a smart, beautiful young mare....we're all so very proud of you, Vogue."<br /><br /><br />"Becoming a mare, <i>bleh."</i> Vogue made a face. "Hollow praise, your highness. What's to be proud of? I don't even have my cutie mark yet." She turned and aimed a childish pout at her blank flank.<br /><br /><br />"It'll come in due time, my dear." Blueblood gently assured, "Why, as a colt, I was certainly late getting <i>my</i> mark-"<br /><br /><br />"But neither of my parents were." Vogue interrupted with a huff. "All of my friends have<i> their</i> marks. I'm <i>tired </i>of being a stupid blank flank." <br /><br /><br />"Well, nonetheless, I am proud of you." Blueblood placed his hoof on her shoulder, smiling. "Truly I am."<br /><br /><br /><i>"Why?"</i> Vogue pressed, "You don't know<i> anything</i> about me. Certainly not enough to be proud of."<br /><br /><br />"....I know more than you think." Blueblood said calmly.&nbsp; "I know that out of all your class, <i>you </i>scored the highest marks on your end-of-year exams. I know that <i>you</i> arranged that secret fundraiser to help that griffin cub that broke his leg six months ago. I know that you're best friends with all the old mares down at the local retirement home, and that you bring them fresh-baked macarons every Saturday morning." Blueblood's voice became soft, wistful. "....I know that you love butterflies, especially when they land on your nose. I know that you prefer cheap pizza to gourmet dining. I know that you cry whenever you see a cute foal."<br /><br /><br />Vogue took a startled step backward, before her face suddenly flushed red with anger. <i>"Y-you-! How dare you-!"</i> She sputtered, furious, <i>"Why? Why do you know these things? What is your fixation with me?!"<br /><br /><br /></i>Blueblood's smile took on a strained note. "....I am the grand duke of Canterlot. It's my duty to know my subjects, my dear."<br /><br /><br />Hot, boiling tears welled up in Vogue's eyes, and she began to cry. <i>" rotten old man! Why can't you give me a straight answer? You just said I'm becoming a mare, b-but you're treating me like a baby!"</i> She blubbered, fat tears dripping from her muzzle. <i>"All this secrecy and lies-the spying-I <u>know</u> you're hiding something! Maman and Daddy too....everypony is keeping some big secret from me, and you all act like I'm too stupid to know the truth!" <br /><br /><br /></i>The duke reached out a hoof, but hesitated. "....We just don't want to hurt you." He said quietly. "You're too young, my darling. The truth can wait. Please, for now, enjoy your birthday. Enjoy your friends, your gifts-"<br /><br /><br /><i>"Oui,</i> and my newfound <i>wealth.</i>" Vogue said suddenly, fixing him with a sharp look. "I overheard Maman and Daddy whispering last night. I've been named the sole heir of your estate."<br /><br /><br />Blueblood sucked in a breath. " know about that."<br /><br /><br />"If the adults are being sneaky, I figured <i>I'm</i> allowed to do a little sneaking as well." Vogue said darkly. "Later that night, I went snooping through Daddy's work desk. I found a letter with your royal crest on it-and it said that I'm to inherit<i> everything.</i> Your wealth, your properties...even your title." She wiped at her face. <i>"Why? </i>There <i>have</i> to be more deserving ponies out there, ponies in need. Why not give it to them? Why <i>me,</i> Duke Blueblood?"<br /><br /><br />Deep in Blueblood's chest, something began to ache. "I....I want <i>you</i> to have it, Vogue."<br /><br /><br /><i>"Why?"</i>&nbsp; Vogue's eyes bore into him. "I'll <i>never</i> stop asking, Blueblood."<br /><br /><br />"I-I...My dear...." The duke fumbled for an answer, <i>any</i> answer, something to pacify. Finally, he heaved an enormous sigh. "....You're a very perceptive little girl." <br /><br /><br />"I read a lot of mystery novels." Vogue answered. Her stern look did not lessen.<br /><br /><br />"....Right. Well. You've <i>won,</i> my dear. I'll enlighten you. I'll let you in on this wonderful, terrible mystery." Blueblood levitated a bottle of wine off a nearby table, and set about refilling his glass. He raised it to his mouth and drained it in an instant, then poured and gulped down yet another glass. "Right, then." He said finally. "...The truth."<br /><br /><br />He drew in a deep breath, before turning to meet her gaze. "Vogue, you are my daughter."<br /><br /><br />Vogue blinked, muzzle wrinkling in confusion. "What? N-no, my father is Sir Fanciful Pants-"<br /><br /><br />"For as charitable and <i>noble </i>as dear old Fancy is, he simply doesn't have it in him to sire any foals." Blueblood's lip curled, a shadow of jealousy crossing his face. "The old chap's as barren as a tree in winter."<br /><br /><br />Vogue frowned, uncomfortable. "So you, er, donated-?"<br /><br /><br />".....Not quite, I'm afraid." <br /><br /><br />Vogue went quiet for a moment, before she fixed the duke with a cold, ugly glare, dripping with contempt. "....How <i>dare</i> you accuse my mother of something so vile."<br /><br /><br />Blueblood returned a sharp look. "Your mother was no victim of circumstance, even if she pretends otherwise now. Her husband was away on business. They'd been fighting, you know. Fleur and Fancy weren't as sickeningly sugary sweet together back <i>then </i>as they are now." Blueblood scoffed. "No, I remember....there were rumors trickling across Canterlot of impending, ugly divorce for Canterlot's biggest power couple." He took a long drink. "...Fleur was lonely. I was lonely. I invited her to dinner."<br /><br /><br /><i>"Liar!"</i> Vogue snarled. <i>"Y-you filthy, horrid liar!" <br /><br /><br /></i>"You can surmise what happened next." Blueblood continued. "And again, and again....Canterlot never knew of the affair. We were careful."<br /><br /><br /><i>"I'm not listening-!"<br /><br /></i><br />"But not careful enough."<br /><br /><br /><i>"S-Shut up!"<br /><br /><br /></i>"....Vogue." Blueblood turned to her, eyes soft. "One of the things you learn growing up is that adults are not infallible. We make mistakes, all of us. Your mother made one, and I did as well. But through it we created you, and I could never regret that." Desperately, he tried to lift her chin. <br /><br />"I <i>don't </i>regret your existence, Vogue. All my life has been nothing but pointless, expensive frivolity and pursuit of various hedonism...but when <i>you </i>were born, and I held you in my hooves for the first was like something finally clicked into place. <i>You</i> are my meaning, my daughter, the center of my universe. All packaged up in one tiny, sweet, perfect little foal." Blueblood gently cradled her face, and curiously, Vogue did not resist him. She simply gazed back at him, spellbound, her eyes a perfect, pure reflection of his own. There, Blueblood found his courage.<br /><br />"It's been <i>torture,</i> my dear, watching you grow up. Always so close, yet so far away...watching you be a pretty doll for Fleur and Fancy to play happy family with. To play<i> pretend</i> with." He scowled at the memory. "But now the wretched lie is finally <i>broken, </i>and we don't have to pretend anymore. My dear, my can be <i>mine</i> now. <i>Truly."</i> He breathed, his eyes alive with raw hope. "My princess...<i>the </i>duchess. You can live with me in Canterlot castle, have your own quarters-your own servants-why, if you like Canterlot Carousel's fashion so much, I'll buy the whole shop for you!" He laughed, loud, joyous, genuine. "You'll never want for <i>anything, </i>my darling. Please, <i>please,</i> come with me, let me into your world-and I'll give you everything you could ever want. Please, my girl, just say the word...and its yours."<br /><br /><br />Vogue drew a long, shaky breath-and then her face simply crumpled, like fine china.<br /><br /><br />"....I want my<i> daddy."</i><br /><br /><br />She pushed him away weakly, nearly stumbling, blinded by tears. She turned tail and fled, bawling, filling the garden with loud, heartbroken sobs.<br /><br /><br /><br /><i>Daddy,</i> she called, and it echoed through Blueblood's mind. <i>Daddy, Daddy. <br /><br /><br /><br /></i>Blueblood's hooves still numbly held the spot she'd just been in. Something wet slipped down his face-slowly at first, but then building into a steady river. Weakly, he sent out a pulse of magic, clutching for the wine bottle, and he poured himself a tall drink, wine slopping down the sides of the glass. He tipped his head back and drank, then drank again-barely tasting it-but the wine did nothing, nothing to smother the guilt....nothing to soothe the pain.<br /><br /><br /><br />Something inside Duke Blueblood had shattered.<br /><br /><br />~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br /><br /><b>Next: <span class="shadow-holder" data-embed-type="deviation" data-embed-id="598786450" data-embed-format="thumb"><span class="shadow mild" ><a class="thumb" href="" title="Charity Case by Lopoddity, Mar 25, 2016 in Fan Art &gt; Cartoons &amp; Comics &gt; Digital &gt; Movies &amp; TV"data-super-img="" data-super-width="1024" data-super-height="652" data-super-transparent="false" data-super-alt="Charity Case by Lopoddity" data-super-full-img="" data-super-full-width="1024" data-super-full-height="652"        data-sigil="thumb">
        <i></i><img   width="150" height="96" alt="Charity Case by Lopoddity" src="" data-src="" srcset=" 150w,,100):origin()/pre00/0605/th/pre/i/2016/085/5/d/charity_case_by_lopoddity-d9wi2ky.png 550w,,100):origin()/pre00/0605/th/pre/i/2016/085/5/d/charity_case_by_lopoddity-d9wi2ky.png 628w, 1024w" sizes="150px"></a></span><!-- ^TTT --><!-- TTT$ --></span> </b>ever wonder why Blueblood is so cold to Moondancer when he finally meets him well hey this is why. This happened first<br /><br /><br />Read the pandoraverse main story arc (in chronological order!) here: <a href="">;</a><br />The story between Duke Blueblood and his children isn't finished yet....<br /><br /><br />more on vogue:<br />&nbsp;<span class="shadow-holder" data-embed-type="deviation" data-embed-id="702641305" data-embed-format="thumb"><span class="shadow mild" ><a class="thumb" href="" title="What Do by Lopoddity, Sep 4, 2017 in Fan Art &gt; Cartoons &amp; Comics &gt; Digital &gt; Movies &amp; TV"data-super-img="" data-super-width="927" data-super-height="862" data-super-transparent="false" data-super-alt="What Do by Lopoddity" data-super-full-img="" data-super-full-width="1024" data-super-full-height="953"        data-sigil="thumb">
        <i></i><img   width="150" height="140" alt="What Do by Lopoddity" src="" data-src="" srcset=" 150w,,100):origin()/pre00/877b/th/pre/i/2017/246/0/7/what_do_by_lopoddity-dbmc1i1.png 376w,,100):origin()/pre00/877b/th/pre/i/2017/246/0/7/what_do_by_lopoddity-dbmc1i1.png 430w, 927w" sizes="150px"></a></span><!-- ^TTT --><!-- TTT$ --></span> <span class="shadow-holder" data-embed-type="deviation" data-embed-id="666171834" data-embed-format="thumb"><span class="shadow mild" ><a class="thumb" href="" title="Spectator by Lopoddity, Feb 27, 2017 in Fan Art &gt; Cartoons &amp; Comics &gt; Digital &gt; Movies &amp; TV"data-super-img="" data-super-width="1177" data-super-height="679" data-super-transparent="true" data-super-alt="Spectator by Lopoddity" data-super-full-img="" data-super-full-width="1280" data-super-full-height="739"        data-sigil="thumb">
        <i></i><img   width="150" height="87" alt="Spectator by Lopoddity" src="" data-src="" srcset=" 150w,,100):origin()/pre00/73f4/th/pre/i/2017/058/6/c/spectator_by_lopoddity-db0mdh6.png 607w,,100):origin()/pre00/73f4/th/pre/i/2017/058/6/c/spectator_by_lopoddity-db0mdh6.png 693w, 1177w" sizes="150px"></a></span><!-- ^TTT --><!-- TTT$ --></span> <span class="shadow-holder" data-embed-type="deviation" data-embed-id="652042921" data-embed-format="thumb"><span class="shadow mild" ><a class="thumb" href="" title="Passing Strangers by Lopoddity, Dec 18, 2016 in Fan Art &gt; Cartoons &amp; Comics &gt; Digital &gt; Movies &amp; TV"data-super-img="" data-super-width="1312" data-super-height="609" data-super-transparent="false" data-super-alt="Passing Strangers by Lopoddity" data-super-full-img="" data-super-full-width="1600" data-super-full-height="743"        data-sigil="thumb">
        <i></i><img   width="150" height="70" alt="Passing Strangers by Lopoddity" src="" data-src="" srcset=" 150w,,100):origin()/pre00/48b1/th/pre/i/2016/353/1/3/passing_strangers_by_lopoddity-das7jjd.png 700w,,100):origin()/pre00/48b1/th/pre/i/2016/353/1/3/passing_strangers_by_lopoddity-das7jjd.png 800w, 1312w" sizes="150px"></a></span><!-- ^TTT --><!-- TTT$ --></span>"
license:"No License"

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mikf commented Mar 21, 2019

c7a6b0e adds a metadata option to fetch descriptions, etc. from the API endpoint you mentioned.

You can use the metadata postprocessor with "mode": "custom" to write image descriptions to a separate file:

            "metadata": true,
            "postprocessors": [{
                "name": "metadata",
                "mode": "custom",
                "format": "{description}\n"

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Is there a cli flag way to do this? almost all deviantart's I rip I don't want to save the descriptions for. But 1or2 authors will attach a long story to a cover image and the story is lost unless I do the above.... but if I do the above I'll get 1000s of unwanted descriptions (when in actuality I only want very very very long descriptions saved, and I want to manually choose to do this for certain galleries with a flag option of some sort....

but I currently don't know a way to pack a postprocessor into a -flag

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