This is a reference implementation of UDV/USSC junior python developer test task but written in Rust.
Crate web server for currency conversion. It should provide two endpoints:
should return Json response with value of 69 USD converted into RUB
should receive Json body with a list of currencies and their conversion rates
and save it to DB. If query parameter merge
is set to false
the existing data should be purged.
- aiohttp (for python)
- redis
- use docker for web server and db (optional)
Note: everything not specified is left for programmers decision
Currencies rates are relative to some arbitrary currency. The user is responsible for data consistency
Start server:
docker-compose up -d
Post some data:
curl -X POST 'http://localhost:1234/database?merge=false' \
--data-raw '[{"currency": "RUB", "rate": 12}, {"currency": "USD", "rate": 1}]' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Convert currencies:
curl 'http://localhost:1234/convert?from=USD&to=RUB&amount=24'