ASSESS - Analytical Scenario and Storyline Evaluation Support System
ASSESS is a Django app supporting scientific quantitative modelling by providing :
- database storage for modelling inputs and ouputs
- web-based user interface for managing input data, executing the scientific model and viewing output data
- other interfaces for importing and exporting data to other applications
- organising various runs of the scientific modelling into so-called scenarios and storylines
PHASE I: Create project and apps ################################ I.1. Start Django project named assess: $ django-admin startproject assess $ cd assess
I.2. Create items app $ python startapp items Edit assess/ - add to the list INSTALLED_APPS the entry/line: 'items.apps.ItemsConfig',
I.3 Create data app $ python startapp items Edit assess/ - add to the list INSTALLED_APPS the entry/line: 'data.apps.DataConfig',
I.4 Create interventions app $ python startapp interventions Edit assess/ - add to the list INSTALLED_APPS the entry/line: 'interventions.apps.InterventionsConfig',
I.5 Create interventions app $ python startapp interventions Edit assess/ - add to the list INSTALLED_APPS the entry/line: 'scenarios.apps.ScenariosConfig',
I.6 Create results app
PHASE II: Initialse and customise II.1 Modify the file: assess/
- in the TEMPLATES list: 'DIRS': [ BASE_DIR + '/templates/', ],
- in STATIC_URL = '/static/'
II.2 Set up database by editing assess/ Suit the DATABASES section to your need
II.3 Set up database $ python makemigrations $ python migrate
II.4 Start the webserver $ python runserver