Create virtual attributes on ActiveRecord models for accessing money values stored in pence/cents as an int as decimals. Rails validation compatible.
To install the gem, Rails 2.1 or later, add the gem.config line in environment.rb as follows do |config|
config.gem "miletbaker-decimalizer", :lib => "decimalizer", :source => ""
sudo rake gems:install
To install the gem
gem sources -a
sudo gem install miletbaker-decimalizer
To install as a plugin (Rails)
cd into your Rails root folder
script/plugin install git://
Then require the library where needed, i.e. in environment.rb in older rails
require 'decimalizer'
Just include Decimalizer in your model (where required)
class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
include Decimalizer
decimalize :price # Monetary amount stored in pence / cents
Then you will be able to access price as a decimal via the generated virtual attributes
m =
m.price = 2300
m.price_as_decimal # 23.00
You can pass in the value from a view
m ={price_as_decimal => "45.99"})
m.price # 4599
You can also use this virtual attribute with ActiveRecord validations, i.e.
class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_numericality_of :price_as_decimal, :message => "is not a valid price"
Copyright (c) 2009 Go Tripod Ltd, released under the MIT license