This project is an example of microservice architecture in Spring Boot using Maven.
Request that is going through all components in this architecture is customer creation. 🕺
- Client send a POST request to localhost:8083/api/v1/customer with a sample body:
"firstName": "Andrew",
"lastName": "Huang",
"email": "[email protected]"
Request is sent to Api Gateway from where it is redirected to correct microservice -> Customer.
Customer microservice saves customer and checks if is fraudster by sending proper request to Fraud microservice.
After Fraud microservice response, the notification about customer creation is sent to Kafka.
The Notification microservice gets the notification from Kafka and saves it to the DB
- Java 17 ❤️
- Maven
- Docker
For simplicity, we will use docker to run: postgres, pgadmin, zookeeper, kafka, zipkin.
docker-compose up postgres pgadmin zookeeper kafka zipkin -d
Before running docker, change in docker-compose.yaml file line 83 to:
Now, we can run the rest of the microservices locally:
- eureka-server
- apigw
- customer
- fraud
- notification
You can run them through the IDE or using command
mvn spring-boot:run
inside every microservice folder.
To run everything in docker just type:
docker-compose up -d
To deploy changes made in microservices, go to the root folder of the project and run:
mvn clean package -P build-docker-image
docker login