Standard databases have rows which go into tables which go into databases.
Mongo has documents which go into collections which go into databases.
Documents are stored as BSON which is short for Binary JSON.
You can store any type of data that you can use in JavaScript: strings, numbers, objects, arrays...
Show the databases:
show dbs
Select or create the 'test' database:
use test
Insert a document into the cities collection:
db.cities.insert({ "name": "Paris", "country": "France" })
Find documents which have country == France:
db.cities.find({ "country": "France" })
Find documents which have country == France and rating == 10:
db.cities.find({ "country": "France", "rating": 10 })
Remove documents which have country == France:
db.cities.remove({ "country": "France" })
On the find and remove examples above, the object passed to the methods is called a query parameter.
There is also the update parameter which is passed to the update method.
The update parameter uses an update operator which, in the case below, is $set
Operators always start with a $.
db.cities.update({ "name": "Paris" }, { "$set": { "rating": 10 } })
In the example above, only the first matched document will be updated.
If we did not use the $set operator, the whole matched document would be redefined to only have the rating property, i.e., the document would be replaced with the update parameter. This is useful when importing data.
db.cities.update({ "name": "Paris" }, { "rating": 10 })
To update all the matching documents, we need to use the options parameter. In this case, we set the multi option.
{ "country": "France" },
{ "$set": { "rating": 10 } },
{ "multi": true }
The $inc operator increments the property by the amount you sent, like:
{ "country": "France" },
{ "$inc": { "rating": -1 } },
This is going to lower France's rating to 9.
The upsert option creates a document in case none was matched:
{ "country": "Germany" },
{ "$set": { "rating": 10 } },
{ "upsert": true }
The document created would have 2 properties: country and rating.
To remove a field/property from all documents in the collection:
{ },
{ "$unset": { "rating": "" } },
{ "multi": true }
To rename a field in all documents:
{ },
{ "$rename": { "name": "Name" } },
{ "multi": true }
To update an array value without redefining the whole array, we use the positional operator ($):
{ "regions" : "Downtown" },
{ "$set": { "regions.$": "Centre" } },
{ "multi": true }
You can use regions.0, regions.1, etc to change that specific array index's value.
For arrays: $pop (remove), $push (add), $addToSet (add if not already in).
There are also comparison operators: $gt, $gte, $lt, $lte, $ne.
db.cities.find({ "rating": { "$gte": 7 } })
Cities which the rating is greater than or equal to 7.
db.cities.find({ "rating": { "$gt": 5, "$lt": 8 } })
Cities which the rating is greater than 5 and lesser than 8.
For arrays, we should use $elemMatch which means that at least one element in the array matches all the criteria. Like: do we have an element that is both > 5 and < 8?
If we don't use it, then all the elements in the array will be used to match the criteria separately. Like: do we have an element that is > 5? Ok, now do we also have an element that is < 8?
db.cities.find({ "trainLines": { "$elemMatch": { "$gt": 5, "$lt": 8 } } })
We can specify the fields we want to be returned. This is called the projection parameter:
{ "country": "France" },
{ "name": true, "rating": true }
So, only the _id, name and rating fields will the returned. Note: The _id field is always going to be returned (unless explicitly set to false).
We can also specify the fields that we do not want to be returned:
{ "country": "France" },
{ "country": false }
So, only the country field won't be returned. Everything else will.
We cannot mix true and false values in the projection, except for the _id field, which we can force it not to be returned:
{ "country": "France" },
{ "name": true, "rating": true, "_id": false }
db.cities.find({ "country": "France" }).count()
Sort. 1 for ASC and -1 for DESC
db.cities.find({ "country": "France" }).sort({ "name": 1 });
Skip: skip the first X documents. Limit: limit the result to X documents.
db.cities.find({ "country": "France" }).skip(3).limit(10);
You can chain several queries in one command. To do it, you use the aggregate method.
Then you use a stage operator, like $group, $match, $sort, etc.
The $group operator's parameters are one _id and none or as many accumulators as needed, like explained below:
- The _id followed by the field you want to aggregate by. The _id is called the group key and is required.
- Note the $ before the field name. This means the value will be replaced by that field's value
- (Optional) An accumulator, like a count, sum, average, max number, etc.
{ "$group":
"_id": "$country",
"cities_count": { "$sum": 1 },
"avg_cost_of_life": { "$avg": "$price" }
{$match: {rating: {$gte: 8}}}, //get only the cities with rating >= 8
{$project: {regions: false, _id: false}}, //do not return the regions and _id fields
{$group: {_id: "$country"}}, //group by country
{$sort: {rating: -1}}, //sort by rating in descending order
{$limit: 10} //limit the result to 10 documents
No need to wrap everything with quotes.