A Discord Bot that just might be useful.
You will need to build a config file from scratch and save it as config.json
. An example is below:
"prefix": "what your command prefix will be. I just use !",
"token": "your bot token",
"owner": "your discord tag",
"ownerID": "your discord ID",
"administrators": ["array of administrator tags"],
"moderators": ["array of moderator tags"]
Commands are super easy to make and have a few optional arguments.
Below is a command file for a command that when called will simply respond with "boop"
module.exports = {
name: 'beep', // This is your actual command
aliases: ['bop'], // Command aliases
description: 'Beep!', // A description of what your command is for. Displayed in the help command.
usage: "", // Used to specify any required arguments for command usage. Displayed in the help command.
cooldown: 30, // Add an optional "cooldown" before the command can be used again. Defaults to 3 secs.
args: false, // If your command requires additional arguments beyond simply calling the name
guildOnly: true, // If true this command cannot be used in direct messages
configRole: "owner", // Set if a config role is required (ie owner/administrator/moderator)
execute(message, args) {
message.channel.send('Boop.'); // Your code goes within the "execute" brackets