mv files/module/* /usr/share/ansible/my_modules/
Imports pfx certs to windows machine with proper condition checks and remote cert location variability
cert_location can be set in vars/main.yml and is the location on your ansible server where the pfx file is living so that ansible can copy it down to your remote server(s)
The module win_import_pfx_cert.ps1 (with in /usr/share/ansible/my_modules/
- Make sure to fill in your remote cert locations inside $remote_cert_locations in win_import_pfx_cert.ps1
- Default is "My" and "Root"
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: servers
- win_import_pfx_cert
Michael Ingraham is a DevOps Engineer at SolarCity HQ in San Mateo, CA.