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Flutter Catalyst is retro 🥱 Head over to Catalyst Builder, the more powerful and cross platform supported successor of this package.

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Catalyst is a dependency injection container for the dart language.

The flutter_catalyst project is a port of the catalyst project to provide dependency injection in Flutter projects.

📦 Installation

Add the following to your pubspec.yaml:

  flutter_catalyst: ^2.0.0

Then run pub get

💡 Usage


import 'package:flutter_catalyst/flutter_catalyst.dart';

Check out the examples

Supported functions:

Function Description
get registeredTypes Return all registered types
register<T>(T service) Register a service for a specific interface
registerInterface<TB, T extends TB>(T service) Register a service
registerWithDependencies<T>(serviceFactory, dependencies) Register a serviceFactory with dependencies
registerInterfaceWithDependencies<TB, T extends TB>(serviceFactory, dependencies) Register a serviceFactory with dependencies for a specific interface
unregister<T>() Unregister a service
get<T>() Get a service by passing its type as
has<T>() Check if a specific service is registered
wire() Wire the services with dependencies (register*WithDependencies())
destroy() Destroy the service container instance
getFromToken<T>() Get a service which was wrapped inside a InjectionToken

🔬 Testing

$ pub run test

🤝 Contribute

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