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Releases: missioncommand/mil-sym-js

mil-sym-js release v0.2.5

13 Sep 20:07
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-LineColor and FillColor for icons now support an alpha channel in the hex string.
-Added handler when line of contact MBR is too small.

mil-sym-js release v0.2.4

26 Aug 20:02
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-svg fix for neutral subsurface graphics
-svg fix for Direction of Movement modifier
-added svg documentation on the wiki page

mil-sym-js release v0.2.3

26 Aug 14:39
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-fix for RenderSymbol with canvas format selected and bbox null.
-fixes for singlepoint SVG output
-added SVGInfo.getSVGDataURI(). You can assign like image.src = SVGInfo.getSVGDataURI(). Returns a string like: "data:image/svg+xml;base64,[SVG string after run through btoa()]".

mil-sym-js release v0.2.2

19 Aug 17:21
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-Fixed an issue with empty polylines and thus no features for the symbol. If the polylines array is empty and the current poyline has exaclty one point it adds the same point to create a valid polyline. The Java and Android versions don't have this issue.


mil-sym-js release v0.2.1

18 Aug 19:45
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-Thinned out friendly ground, friendly ground equipment, neutral ground, hostile air, hostile subsurface affiliation frames they were the worst offenders for overly thick lines.
-Implemented transparency for single point icons for svg
-Implemented milstd icon pattern fill for multipoint areas for canvas output

mil-sym-js release v0.2.0

12 Aug 20:48
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New Feature:
-SVG support for singlepoints.
--available in sv-bc.js, svm-bc.js.
--sv-bc.js will run in a web worker. A sample will be coming in the future.
--armyc2.c2sd.renderer.MilStdSVGRenderer has the same interface as armyc2.c2sd.renderer.MilStdIconRenderer
--MilStdSVGRenderer returns an armyc2.c2sd.renderer.utilities.SVGInfo object
--SVGInfo has getSVG()//the svg string, getAnchorPoint(), getSymbolBounds(), getSVGBounds().

Bug Fixes:
-improved look of fortified line and antitank wall
-azimuth and range labels added for range fans.
-new MilStdAttributes.HideOptionalLabels which can turn above mentioned labels on or off.
-fixed bug with geoJSON output
-fixed issue where units would render smaller than they should when keepUnitRatio is set to true.

mil-sym-js release v0.1.12

15 Jul 19:29
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-Reduce arrowhead size for Direction of Attack, Ground Main Attack.

mil-sym-js release v0.1.11

13 Jul 17:23
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-fix for getBasicSymbolIDStrict for parametered basic shapes

mil-sym-js release v0.1.10

13 Jul 14:42
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-Added Parametered basic shapes (PBS_SQUARE-----, PBS_CIRCLE-----,PBS_ELLIPSE----,PBS_RECTANGLE--)
-Fixed symbolID for Grain Storage.
-Added RendererSettings.setUseCesium2DScaleModifiers(). Pass in true if you use a Cesium map.

mil-sym-js release v0.1.9

01 Jul 17:44
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-Revised Wire Obstacle Double Fence to begin the line with two X's
-Added missing graphics: Fast Recreational Craft, Rigid-Hull Inflatable Boat, Speed Boat, and Personal Watercraft