Releases: missioncommand/mil-sym-js
mil-sym-js release v0.0.98
-added optional converter parameter to MPWorker
-Fixed installation modifier bug
-made unitdef lookup more robust for symbols that have mandatory Installation modifier
mil-sym-js release v0.0.97
-fixed bug with AutoCollapseModifiers feature
mil-sym-js release v0.0.96
-fix: Fixed bug where html5 canvas from canvas output could grow out of control.
-enhancement: Fire Support Areas with a lot of labels will now trim the labels when the area is to small to show all the labels due to zoom or map scale. The identifying label will never be trimmed. If you zoom in so the area becomes large enough to show all the labels, the labels will return. This will help reduce map clutter. This is now the default behavior. If this is not desired, use RendererSettings.setAutoCollapseModifiers(false) to return to the previous behavior of always showing all the labels all the time.
mil-sym-js release v0.0.95
-Fixed boundary line shifting problem
-Fix for large scales
-Added getModifierName functions to ModifiersTG & ModifiersUnits
-Fix for some subsurface mines.
-Fix point count calculation error for Ford, Difficult.
-Multipoints with limited point counts now use round lineJoin for canvas rendering (formerly miter) and
all multipoints now use round lineCap for canvas rendering (formerly buttress). This provides a cleaner look. Limited use of round lineJoin to prevent performance impact for canvas rendering.
-Fixed clipping rectangle issues for large scales when using canvas rendering.
mil-sym-js release v0.0.94
-color fix for ems natural event
-performance improvement for boundary line
mil-sym-js release v0.0.93
-BS_ELLIPSE azimuth parameter is now optional as it should have been
mil-sym-js release v0.0.92
-added webworker example to the release
-BS_ELLIPSE now accepts and azimuth parameter in AN[0]
-Added optional canvas converter parameter for clients using canvas or datauri formats. Added "canvas converter readme.txt" for Cesium based example converter.
mil-sym-js release v0.0.91
-resolved a fill pattern bug with GeoCanvas output that was introduced in v.90 when I split out multipoint GeoCanvas code.
-Separated the multipoint GeoCanvas code so that the multipoint code could still run in a web worker for KML and GeoJSON output.
m-b.js, m-c.js, m-bc.js and their minified versions will work in a web worker.
If you want GeoCanvas multipoint rendering, you'll need to use sm-b.js, sm-c.js, sm-bc.js or their minified versions.
-Fixed triangle size when Isolate is zoomed in.
-fix for some scaling bugs in canvas output when called via RenderSymbol()
mil-sym-js release v0.0.90
-Separated the multipoint GeoCanvas code so that the multipoint code could still run in a web worker for KML and GeoJSON output.
m-b.js, m-c.js, m-bc.js and their minified versions will work in a web worker.
If you want GeoCanvas multipoint rendering, you'll need to use sm-b.js, sm-c.js, sm-bc.js or their minified versions.
-Fixed triangle size when Isolate is zoomed in.
-fix for some scaling bugs in canvas output when called via RenderSymbol()
mil-sym-js release v0.0.89
-Do not display ALT label for sectors if altitudes array is empty.
-fixed typo and added IconColor to MilStdAttributes