Contributors: misterbisson, borkweb, zbtirrell
Donate link:
Tags: bSuite, cms, content management, formatting, widgets, shortcodes, post loop, post, posts, page, pages, show posts, scroller, featured posts
Requires at least: 3.3
Tested up to: 4.0
Stable tag: trunk
A suite of tools that improve WordPress' CMS capabilities.
Make WordPress a better CMS. Create a post loop in a widget. Lazy load widgets. More shortcodes. More good.
- Post Loop allows you to build your own, um, post loop, and put it anywhere a widget will fit.
- Pages replaces WP's built in Pages widget and adds the option to expand the page list to include the parents and immediate children of the page your currently viewing.
- The Breadcrumbs widget makes navigation throughout the site easier.
- Category description widget can display the category description without requiring you to modify your theme.
- The paged navigation widget makes it easier to display the number of pages in an archive.
- Automatically build an index of headings on a page and create a table of contents to it (with links to anchors on the page)
- Embed a list of pages or sub-pages on a page or post
This plugin is on Github:
Master build status at Travis-CI:
The bCMS plugin is derived from bSuite and includes many of the content management features and none of the cruft from that plugin. See the whole family of bSuite plugins.
- Place the plugin folder in your
directory and activate it.
- A Post Loop widget selecting popular posts and displayed inside a jQuery slider.
- The Post Loop widget configuration options.
- The Wijax widget can lazy load other widgets to improve performance.
- The innerindex shortcode improves navigation within a post or page.
- The innerindex shortcode automatically generates a table of contents from the headings in the post or page.