Repository containing my solutions to 30 Days Code Challenge April-2020 on Leetcode. Solutions with different algorithms/approaches having different complexities and implementation in various languages.
Code available in : Python, C++ (I'll try to write in more languages. Open for contributers to add up to this repo.) ✌️
- 1-Single Number
- 2-Happy Number
- 3-Maximum SubArray
- 4-Move Zeroes
- 5-Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
- 6-Group Anagrams
- 7-Counting Elements
- 1-Middle of the Linked List
- 2-Backspace String Compare
- 3-Min Stack
- 4-Diameter of Binary Tree
- 5-Last Stone Weight
- 6-Contiguous Array
- 7-Perform String Shifts
- 1-Product of Array Except Self
- 2-Valid Parenthesis String
- 3-Number of Islands
- 4-Minimum Path Sum
- 5-Search in Rotated Sorted Array
- 6-Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal
- 7-Leftmost Column with atleast a One
- 1-Subarray Sum Equals K
- 2-Bitwise AND of Numbers Range
- 3-LRU Cache
- 4-Jump Game
- 5-Longest Common Subsequence
- 6-Maximal Square
- 7-First Unique Number
Over and Out 😃 Completed the challenge consistently. ✌️
Open to contributions with interesting and more efficient solutions for the problem in variety of programming languages. Please open an issue, to discuss the changes or adding more solutions to the repo. Thanks. 😃