Put on your shades so you only see what you care about
require("lazy").setup({"miversen33/sunglasses.nvim", config = true})
If you want, you can lazy load sunglasses, tied to the UIEnter event. By default though, sunglasses already does most of its "work" after this event fires so you aren't really gaining much by lazy loading sunglasses.
But I am not here to stop you from getting every last millisecond shaved off your startup time so here ya go
require("lazy").setup({"miversen33/sunglasses.nvim", config = true, event = "UIEnter"})
Feel to submit a pr to add more images to this. At least until I get tired of updating it
Pictures are worth a thousand words (or however many are in your buffers ;) )
-- Config: https://github.com/miversen33
filter_type = "SHADE",
filter_percent = .65
-- Config: https://github.com/miversen33
filter_type = "TINT",
filter_percent = .65
-- Config: https://github.com/miversen33
filter_type = "NOSYNTAX",
filter_percent = .65
-- Config: https://github.com/miversen33
filter_type = "NOSYNTAX",
filter_percent = .65
-- Config: https://github.com/miversen33
filter_type = "TINT",
filter_percent = .65
-- Config: https://github.com/miversen33
filter_type = "NOSYNTAX",
filter_percent = .65
-- Config: https://github.com/miversen33
filter_type = "SHADE",
filter_percent = .65
-- Config: https://github.com/miversen33
filter_type = "TINT",
filter_percent = .65
-- Config: https://github.com/miversen33
filter_type = "NOSYNTAX",
filter_percent = .65
- Able to be used with any neovim or vim theme
- Works with Sessions
- Works with Transparent buffers
- Easy to Setup
- Easy to Customize
- No external dependencies
- Only a minimal amount of shenanigans happening!
- Currently only supports neovim 0.9 newer
Sunglasses has sane defaults (as shown below) and therefore doesn't require configuration to get started. However, if you would like below is the list of defaults and changes that can be applied to them
-- lua
local sunglasses_defaults = {
filter_percent = 0.65,
filter_type = "SHADE",
log_level = "ERROR",
refresh_timer = 5,
excluded_filetypes = {
excluded_highlights = {
{"lualine_.*", glob = true},
can_shade_callback = function(opts)
local conditions = {
return vim.api.nvim_get_option_value("diff", { win = opts.window })
for _, condition in ipairs(conditions) do
if condition() then
return false
return true
-- The above table will is the default configuration.
-- If you do not wish to set any configuration options, you can simply
-- pass nil into your setup
-- Or you can provide your own values. Please configure your
-- options by looking at each option available and setting it
filter_percent = 0.65,
filter_type = "SHADE",
log_level = "ERROR",
refresh_timer = 5,
excluded_filetypes = {
excluded_highlights = {
{"lualine_.*", glob = true},
can_shade_callback = function(opts)
local conditions = {
return vim.api.nvim_get_option_value("diff", { win = opts.window })
for _, condition in ipairs(conditions) do
if condition() then
return false
return true
Version Added: 0.1
Default: .65
This is the percentage to modify inactive buffer's highlights. This value must be between 0 and 1 and is clamped as such. An example of how to use this is as follows
-- lua
local sunglasses_options = {
filter_percent = 0.65
Version Added: 0.1
Version Updated: 0.2.01
Default: "SHADE"
This is the kind of filter to apply to inactive buffers. Valid filter_types are
- "TINT"
Darkens the inactive buffer's highlights
Brightens the inactive buffers highlights
Disables syntax highlighting on the inactive buffer.
An example of how to use this is as follows
-- lua
local sunglasses_options = {
filter_type = "SHADE"
Version Added: 0.1
Default: "ERROR"
This is the level to filter all logs against. This means that logs with a level under "ERROR" will not be written to the file. If you are looking to submit a bug report, please set this to a lower level.
Your sunglasses log can be located with the following command
-- lua
print(vim.fn.stdpath('log') .. '/sunglasses.log')
Below are a list of valid log levels (in filter order). Anything lower than the level in this list will be filtered at that level. As an example, with a level of "ERROR" (the default), logs of level "WARNING" will be filtered
- "INFO"
- "TRACE2"
- "TRACE3"
**** Be aware, any of the trace levels will very quickly produce lots of logs
An example of how to set this is as follows
-- lua
local sunglasses_options = {
filter_level = "ERROR"
Version Added: 0.1
Default: 5
This tells sunglasses how often (in seconds) to refresh its internal highlights cache. This is how sunglasses is able to deal with highlight groups that are dynamically created over time.
An example of how to set this is as follows
-- lua
local sunglasses_options = {
refresh_timer = 5
Version Added: 0.1
-- lua
This is a list of filetypes to be excluded when shading inactive windows.
If you are making changes to this table, consider submitting a PR to update it for everyone instead!
An example of how to set this is as follows
-- lua
local sunglasses_options = {
excluded_filetypes = {
Version Added: 0.1
-- lua
{"lualine_.*", glob = true},
This is a list of highlights to exclude modifying on inactive windows.
If you are making changes to this table, consider submitting a PR to update it for everyone instead!
Entries in this table can be either a string or a table (as shown above).
If its a string, it is treated as the exact name of the highlight to exclude.
If it is in table form (and has the glob = true
value in the table), then
it is treated as a glob in which all highlights that match the glob are
You may be wondering why lualine is included here. It seems that vim will apply the namespace highlight to lualine in the event that all other windows in the tabpage are already in that namespace. That makes lualine look super weird, so this fixes that.
An example of how to set this is as follows
-- lua
local sunglasses_options = {
excluded_highlights = {
-- lua
can_shade_callback = function(opts)
-- opts: { window_id = number, buffer = number, filetype = string, filename = string }
local conditions = {
return vim.api.nvim_get_option_value("diff", { win = opts.window })
for _, condition in ipairs(conditions) do
if condition() then
return false
return true
This is a user-supplied callback function that runs when sunglasses determines if it can shade a window. Any return value other than true will result in said window not being shaded.
Version Added: 0.1
Valid Args: false, true
Related: SunglassesOff,SunglassesToggle
Command SunglassesOn will shade the buffer your cursor is currently in.
If true is passed with the command, this will force shade the buffer. This means that if the filetype of the buffer is marked as excluded, the buffer will still be shaded. This force is only temporary however. In general this means that if a window contains an excluded filetype and you force shade it, the shade will only last until the next time sunglasses attempts to shade the buffer, in which case it will not be shaded.
Version Added: 0.1
Related: SunglassesOn,SunglassesToggle
Command SunglassesOff will unshade the buffer your cursor is currently in.
Version Added: 0.3
Related: SunglassesOff,SunglassesOn
Command SunglassesToggle will toggle sunglasses on the currently focused window
Version Added: 0.1
Related: SunglassesDisable
Command SunglassesEnable will shade all inactive buffers (while obeying excluded filetypes)
Version Added: 0.4
Related: SunglassesToggle,SunglassesEnable,SunglassesDisable
Command SunglassesEnableToggle will actively toggle sunglasses across all windows (while still obeying filetypes). This is a shortcut (with a bit of logic) to SunglassesEnable and SunglassesDisable
Version Added: 0.1
Related: SunglassesEnable
Command SunglassesDisable will unshade all buffers
Version Added: 0.1
Related: Config.refresh_timer
Command to manually refresh the highlight groups modified by sunglasses. Note, sunglasses by default refreshes its highlights based on Config.refresh_timer
Version Added: 0.2
Related: SunglassesResume SunglassesDisable SunglassesOff
Command to manually exclude the window under the cursor from Sunglasses Auto Adjuster. This does not persist through sessions
Version Added: 0.2
Related: SunglassesPause SunglassesEnable SunglassesOn
Command to manually unexclude (note, not the same as "include") the window under the cursor, allowing Sunglasses Auto Adjuster to continue adjusting it on window leave.
Why is unexclude not the same as include? Well include would suggest that the window under the cursor will now be shaded on window leave, which is not the case. For that, you will need SunglassesOn. This simply undoes the pause set by SunglassesPause