Slides, animations and video support for the talk "Elixir: une potion pour construire des microservices dans vos monolithes" given at Snowcamp 2023.
If you want to see this talk be given at your conference or at your company for a Brown Bag Lunch, please contact me on Github or on Twitter @maximejanvier. You can also contact me if you need training for Erlang/Elixir subjects (language basics, web developement, deployment,...) for you or your company.
A static export is available at slides.pdf
, but a lot of slides are animations or videos clips. To get the full slides contents, you can do with Nodejs installed, start the command,
npm start
and the slides will be available at http://localhost:8000.
If you want to see a live demo of the Game of Life presented at the end, please contact me and will happy to provide code and ressources to build and deploy it. A starting point is available in this repository: