Here are my Advent of Code solutions over the years. Hopefully I can flesh this out with solutions to every day from every year soon.
I've participated in Advent of Code since 2018:
- In 2018 I apparently used a different account, so the stars don't show up (until I resubmit them. TODO(me)), but I still have the Kotlin code I wrote. I stopped short around day19, partly because that day was particularly onerous, but also for personal reasons.
- I skipped 2019, somewhat related to the personal reasons that started in 2018
- In 2020, I used Python, and made it to day19 before probably burning out (I don't particularly remember why I quit)
- In 2021, I was recently married, with two step kids, and was still figuring that out. I made it to day9, but hardly did any challenges the day of. I tried to use Haskell this year which I hadn't used since in college in 2015. Maybe that's why I didn't make it far.
- In 2022, I came in from a recent kick of getting into CTF (e.g. OverTheWire war games), and just generally being a little more open in my schedule to side-projects and hobbies (not video games!). I used Kotlin because I had a high interest in both doing some side projects in such, and trying to drive my team at work to adopt Kotlin... eventually.
- In 2023, I didn't come in guns ablazing, don't really care about competing time wise, but really just want to have fun with the puzzles, so in general I'm doing everything a day late to take the time pressure off. Working in Python mostly because I want to stay proficient in that and don't have another language I'm all gung-ho about. Would still like to pick up Haskell again, or maybe Rust; not feeling like this is the year