This is a CLI tool to interact with an Azure KeyVault. You can use it to easily list and show secrets. Additionally, you can use it to check the expiration date of all the secrets in your KeyVault.
To install the latest stable version from PyPI, run:
pip3 install azure-keyvault-cli
To install the latest version (potentially not stable) from TestPyPI, run:
pip3 install --index-url --extra-index-url azure-keyvault-cli
If you want to have it globally available, make sure to run it in your global python environment.
- Install poetry
- Run:
poetry install
If you get an error No such file or directory: 'python'
. Try settings an alias for python3:
alias python=python3
or activate an existing virtual environment.
Make sure the right virtual env is activated, then you can use the local version of the cli by running, e.g.:
azkv --help
To run the tests, run:
poetry run pytest
# with coverage
poetry run pytest --cov=cli --cov-report=xml --cov-report=term-missing
To format the code, run:
poetry run black .
To lint the code, run:
poetry run ruff .
First, bump the version in the pyproject.toml
file. You can do this manually or by running:
poetry version <major|minor|patch>
Then commit the changes and push them to the remote repository. Additionally, add a tag to the commit with the new version number. You can do this by running:
version=$(poetry version --short)
git checkout -b release-${version}
git add pyproject.toml
git commit -m "Bump version to ${version}"
git push --set-upstream origin release-${version}
git tag -a ${version} -m "Release ${version}"
git push origin ${version}
Create a pull request from the release branch to the main branch. The pull request will trigger the test workflow. The workflow will run the tests and check the formatting and linting of the code. You can create a pull request by running:
version=$(poetry version --short)
gh pr create --title "Release ${version}" --body "Release ${version}" --base main --head release-${version}
After the pull request has been merged, the release workflow will be triggered. The workflow will create a new release and publish the package to PyPI. Be aware that this workflow needs to be manually approved before it will be executed.