The topic of this week's challenge was JavaScript. My task was to develop a rudimentary pay roll tracker for employees whose salaries the user is required to enter. The user is then prompted by the pay roll tracker to select whether to add or remove an employee. The tracker will then display an alphabetical list of the employees' given names arranged by last name.
When the console log opens, you'll see a table if four or more employees are input. It will also determine the average income overall and select a random employee to get a prize.
AS A payroll manager I WANT AN employee payroll tracker SO THAT I can see my employees' payroll data and properly budget for the company
GIVEN an employee payroll tracker WHEN I click the "Add employee" button THEN I am presented with a series of prompts asking for first name, last name, and salary WHEN I finish adding an employee THEN I am prompted to continue or cancel WHEN I choose to continue THEN I am prompted to add a new employee WHEN I choose to cancel THEN my employee data is displayed on the page sorted alphabetically by last name, and the console shows computed and aggregated data
Deployment link