Social Media App allows users to share their moments with others and find people with the same passions
Implemented functionalities:
- Login through magic links or other social media accounts
- Ability to share posts with photos and links
- Ability to add tags and mention other users in posts
- Ability to Like, comment and share posts
- Ability to follow other users
- Infinite feed with posts of people you follow
- Groups that allow you to find users with the same passions
- Explore section, where you can find other users or groups that may be of interest to you.
- Notification system, which will let you know when someone e.g. starts following you or add comment on your post
- Dark mode
- Next.js
- TypeScript
- TailwindCSS
- Prisma
- NextAuth
- PlanetScale
- Cloudinary
- Vercel
- Clone repository
git clone
- Go to project directory
cd twitter-clone
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Create .env file (see .env.example)
echo "" > .env (for windows) touch .env (for unix)
- Run server
npm run dev
The app design was inspired by the task