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- What is Fulcrum? What is Heliotrope?
- Help/Contact
- Getting started
- Debugging
- Testing
- License
- Contributing
- Ancillary Repositories
- Acknowledgements
Fulcrum is an in-development publishing platform and set of hosting and publishing services aimed to help scholarly publishers present the full richness of their authors' research outputs in a durable, discoverable, and flexible form. Its first phase of development is focused on providing branded companion websites for books. Now, in its second phase, it will expand to host complete e-book collections, journals, and new forms of multimodal publications as well as provide a set of hosting and publishing services for publishers.
Heliotrope is the codebase behind the Fulcrum publishing platform. It is a Rails application that extends Hyrax–the popular front-end repository solution from the Samvera open source community–to provide solutions for scholarly publishers.
It is built by the University of Michigan Library and managed by the Library's publishing division, Michigan Publishing.
In addition to the features that come with Hyrax, Heliotrope offers the following:
- Web-based e-book reader for FileSets that are valid EPUBs. The e-book reader is delivered as a single-page JS application that is included with Heliotrope as a gem. See the wiki for more details and features specific to the e-book reader. (Example)
- Publisher catalog page listing Works associated with publisher (Example).
- Customized branding (logo, colors, fonts) for publisher that is applied to associated Works and FileSets (Example).
- Publisher-specific usage analytics (eg, support for multiple Google Analytics IDs on a single page, allowing each publisher to have their own Google Analytics property).
- Bulk importer for Works and their children.
- Embed codes for FileSets, allowing FileSets to be embedded into external websites and EPUB files.
- Support for FileSets that are hosted externally (Example).
- Additional metadata fields for Books and their associated media.
- Accessibility improvements to meet Section 508 and WCAG 2.0AA guidelines.
- Delivery of time-based media through an accessible media player, AblePlayer. Support for transcripts and captions when provided (Example).
- Delivery of IIIF-served images using Leaflet (Example).
- Integration with Jekyll static-site generator for "aboutware" static pages and blog.
For additional details and helpful hints read our ever growing Wiki. To get in touch with us over e-mail, contact the Fulcrum Developers List.
- Install and configure Hyrax prerequisites.
- Install redis
- Install mysql (Install MySQL OS X El Capitan)
$ git clone
$ cd heliotrope
$ bundle install
$ yarn install
$ bundle exec ./bin/setup
$ bundle exec rails checkpoint:migrate
$ bundle exec rake assets:precompile
See the Wiki for information on Jekyll integration.
There is a rails task you execute to create a "fulcrum-system" user.
$ bundle exec rails system_user
If you need to run this when the app has been deployed, execute:
$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails system_user
There is a rails task you can execute to create a "platform" admin user. It will prompt you for an email address and then create a user with the correct role.
$ bundle exec rails admin
If you need to run this when the app has been deployed, execute:
$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails admin
Execute this command to start Fedora, Solr and Rails servers:
$ bundle exec rails hydra:server
Or, if you prefer to start each server individually execute each of the following commands in a seperate shells: (you must use this alternate option if running on a VM)
$ redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf
$ fcrepo_wrapper -p 8984 --no-jms
$ solr_wrapper -p 8983 -d solr/config/ --collection_name hydra-development
$ bundle exec rails s
NOTE: You'll also want to make sure that you have MySQL started.
NOTE: There are also config files available for running the wrappers (which save you from having to remember ports, collection names etc). Their settings attempt to persist your Solr index as you move between dev and test. Use like so:
$ fcrepo_wrapper --config .wrap_conf/fcrepo_dev
$ solr_wrapper --config .wrap_conf/solr_dev
4. Create default administrative set
$ bundle exec rails hyrax:default_admin_set:create
When running Rails server, set the EXPLAIN_PARTIALS
environment variable to show partials being rendered in source html of your views. You can view this info using your browser's inspect element mode.
$ EXPLAIN_PARTIALS=true bundle exec rails s
NOTE: Because this feature can add a fair bit of overhead, it is restricted to only run in development mode.
To execute the continuous integration task run by Travis CI
$ bundle exec rails ci
Alternatively, you can start up each server individually. This may be preferable because the ci task starts up and tears down Fedora and Solr before/after the test suite is run.
$ fcrepo_wrapper -p 8986 --no-jms
$ fcrepo_wrapper --config .wrap_conf/fcrepo_test
$ solr_wrapper -p 8985 -d solr/config/ --collection_name hydra-test
$ solr_wrapper --config .wrap_conf/solr_test
$ bundle exec rails rubocop
$ bundle exec rails ruumba
$ bundle exec rails lib_spec
$ bundle exec rspec
System specs are skipped on Travis due to frequent timing failures. This won't affect running rspec
locally either directly or through the ci
To run individual specs located in the ./lib/spec directory
(a.k.a lib_spec) first step into the lib directory and then execute rspec.
$ cd lib
$ bundle exec rspec
As of June 20, 2017 there are tests that require the static pages to be built in order for routing to happen correctly (See Static Pages and Blog documentation). This means you need to execute
$ bundle exec rails jekyll:deploy
before running rspec. This only need be executed once. If you followed step 1 of the initial setup then you did this already.
Heliotrope is available under the Apache 2.0 license.
We'd love to accept your contributions and there are lots of ways to engage with the Fulcrum project and Heliotrope codebase even if you aren't a developer. Please see our contributing guidelines for how you can get involved.
Please note: As of May 14 2018, we have migrated our issues to a JIRA project and are no longer creating new issues in GitHub. All GitHub issues that were open at the time of migration will be updated with relevant links to the corresponding JIRA issue. If you find bugs or would like to open an issue, you can still use GitHub for that to open the conversation with Fulcrum developers.
The Fulcrum Development Team have created a number of ancillary code repositories for handling different areas of business logic related to our use of the Heliotrope repository software. None of the libraries listed below are required in any way for the operation of Heliotrope and are tuned to the use cases and business logic relevant to the Fulcrum instance. They are offered here for possible adaptation and repurposing, or just to illustrate the cluster of tasks that necessarily arise around the operation of repository publishing software.
- Heliotropium is a collection of miscellaneous scripts that provide support and infrastructure for heliotrope in the Fulcrum production environment but don't require direct access to Hyrax data structures. Examples include task scheduling and fetching MARC records.
- Winterberry provides a number of scripts for processing content in a production stream for eventual ingest into Heliotrope.
- Greensub supports a number of business processes related to restricted repository content: assigning Monographs to specific restricted Products, and authorizing Institutions and Individuals to access those Products.
- Turnsole provides the RESTful API for Greensub to communicate with Heliotrope.
Initial development has been supported by a generous grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and implemented by the University of Michigan Library and Press working with partners from Indiana, Minnesota, Northwestern, and Penn State universities and Data Curation Experts.