This is a maven project that will allow the build, unit tests, and integration tests to run in parallel.
By utilizing maven project specific command line options, all modules run with the option of 1T. This gives the build 1 thread per core on the machine and allows multiple modules to build in parallel. For more information see the maven parallel builds documentation.
The maven surefire plugin supports running unit test in parallel by suite, classes, or methods. This configuration runs each individual method (unit test) in parallel with 1 thread per core witha maximum of 16 threads. For more information see the maven surfire plugin documentation on fork options and parallel test execution.
The maven failsafe plugin supports running unit test in parallel by suite, classes, or methods. This configuration runs each individual method (integration test) in parallel with 1 thread per core witha maximum of 16 threads. For more information see the maven failsafe plugin documentation on fork options and parallel test execution.