Sample project based on the blog post demonstrating jwt-based authentication with an Angular (v5.2.1) frontend and ASP.NET Core 2 WebApi. Includes both local user registration with .NET Core Identity membership and facebook login scenarios.
- Sql Server Express 2017 & Sql Server Management Studio 2017
- Runs in both Visual Studio 2017 & Visual Studio Code
- Node 8.9.4 & NPM 5.6.0
- .NET Core 2.0 sdk
- Angular CLI ->
npm install -g @angular/cli
To build and run the project using the command line:
- Install npm packages with
src>npm install
in thesrc
directory. - Restore nuget packages with
src>dotnet restore
in thesrc
directory. - Create the database with
src>dotnet ef database update
in thesrc
directory. - Run the project with
src>dotnet run
in thesrc
directory. - Point your browser to http://localhost:5000.
Of course, you can also run it from either Visual Studio 2017 or Visual Studio Code with the IDE handling most of the steps above. If you have issues, try running the above steps from the command line to ensure things are setup properly.
You're free to use the demo facebook app Fullstack Cafe that the project is already configured with. To setup and use your own application follow the steps detailed on the post.