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SEAL db - Simple, Efficient And Lite database for NGS


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SEAL db - Simple, Efficient And Lite database for NGS


SEAL db is a Python project that provides a simple, efficient, and lightweight database for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data. SEAL db is built with the Flask framework and uses PostgreSQL as the backend database. It includes a web interface that allows users to upload and query NGS data.

Please report any issue here


To install SEAL db, first clone the repository from GitHub:

git clone

SEAL db requires several dependencies to be installed, which can be done either with Conda or manually.

Install dependencies

With Conda

To install dependencies with Conda, first install Conda if it is not already installed. Conda installation instructions can be found (here)

After installing Conda, create a new environment using the environment.yml file provided with SEAL db:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Installing VEP

If you have install all dependencies from conda you need to activate your environment by launching this command: conda activate seal

After installing dependencies, you need to install VEP (Variant Effect Predictor), which is used by SEAL db to annotate variants. The installation instructions for VEP can be found here.

For conda environment:

vep_install -a cf -s homo_sapiens -y GRCh37 -c /output/path/to/GRCh37/vep --CONVERT

Plugins & Customs

A more complete guide will be written soon

After installing VEP, you need to install several VEP plugins :

The installation instructions for VEP plugins can be found (here).

dbNSFP (plugins)
wget${version}.zip /PATH/dbNSFP${version}.zip
unzip dbNSFP${version}.zip
zcat dbNSFP${version}_variant.chr1.gz | head -n1 > h
zgrep -h -v ^#chr dbNSFP${version}_variant.chr* | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n - | cat h - | bgzip -c > dbNSFP${version}_grch38.gz
tabix -s 1 -b 2 -e 2 dbNSFP${version}_grch38.gz
zgrep -h -v ^#chr dbNSFP${version}_variant.chr* | awk '$8 != "." ' | sort -k8,8 -k9,9n - | cat h - | bgzip -c > dbNSFP${version}_grch37.gz
tabix -s 8 -b 9 -e 9 dbNSFP${version}_grch37.gz
dbscSNV (plugins)
wget /PATH/
head -n1 dbscSNV1.1.chr1 > h
cat dbscSNV1.1.chr* | grep -v ^chr | sort -k5,5 -k6,6n | cat h - | awk '$5 != "."' | bgzip -c > dbscSNV1.1_GRCh38.txt.gz
tabix -s 5 -b 6 -e 6 -c c dbscSNV1.1_GRCh38.txt.gz
cat dbscSNV1.1.chr* | grep -v ^chr | cat h - | bgzip -c > dbscSNV1.1_GRCh37.txt.gz
tabix -s 1 -b 2 -e 2 -c c dbscSNV1.1_GRCh37.txt.gz
MaxEntScan (plugins)
wget "" -O /PATH/maxent
tar -zxvf /PATH/maxent/fordownload.tar.gz
SpliceAI (plugins)

Edit output path if needed (for example to write it into a conda env). You need to have a basespace account.

wget "" -O $HOME/bin/bs
chmod u+x $HOME/bin/bs
bs authenticate
bs download dataset -i ds.20a701bc58ab45b59de2576db79ac8d0 --exclude "*" --include "spliceai_scores.masked.snv.hg38.vcf.gz" --include "spliceai_scores.masked.indel.hg38.vcf.gz" --include "spliceai_scores.masked.snv.hg38.vcf.gz.tbi" --include "spliceai_scores.masked.indel.hg38.vcf.gz.tbi" -o /PATH/SpliceAI/
GnomAD (custom)
gsutil -m cp -r   "gs://gcp-public-data--gnomad/release/4.1/vcf/joint" ${dn}
for i in $(ls ${dn}/joint/*.vcf.bgz); do
    bn=$(basename $i);
    echo "$bn";
    bcftools view -e "INFO/AC_joint=0" ${i} | bcftools annotate -x "^INFO/AF_joint,INFO/AF_joint_XX,INFO/AF_joint_XY,INFO/AF_joint_afr,INFO/AF_joint_ami,INFO/AF_joint_amr,INFO/AF_joint_asj,INFO/AF_joint_eas,INFO/AF_joint_fin,INFO/AF_joint_mid,INFO/AF_joint_nfe,INFO/AF_joint_raw,INFO/AF_joint_remaining,INFO/AF_joint_sas,INFO/AF_grpmax_joint,INFO/AF_exomes,INFO/AF_genomes,INFO/nhomalt_joint" -O z6 -o ${dn}/light/gnomad.v4.1.${chr}.vcf.gz -;
    tabix ${dn}/light/gnomad.v4.1.${chr}.vcf.gz
bcftools concat ${dn}/light/gnomad.v4.1.chr*.vcf.gz -O z6 -o ${dn}/light/gnomad.v4.1.vcf.gz
tabix ${dn}/light/gnomad.v4.1.vcf.gz
printf "INFO/AF_joint AF\nINFO/AF_joint_afr AF_AFR\nINFO/AF_joint_amr AF_AMR\nINFO/AF_joint_asj AF_ASJ\nINFO/AF_joint_eas AF_EAS\nINFO/AF_joint_fin AF_FIN\nINFO/AF_joint_nfe AF_NFE\nINFO/AF_joint_remaining AF_OTH\n" > ${dn}/light/rename
bcftools annotate --rename-annots ${dn}/light/rename  ${dn}/light/gnomad.v4.1.vcf.gz -O z6 -o ${dn}/light/gnomad.v4.1.rename.vcf.gz -W
bcftools sort -O z6 -o ${dn}/light/gnomad.v4.1.rename.sort.vcf.gz -W ${dn}/light/gnomad.v4.1.rename.vcf.gz
Clinvar (custom)
wget /PATH/clinvarGRCh37/
wget /PATH/clinvarGRCh38/
tabix /PATH/clinvarGRCh37/clinvar.vcf.gz
tabix /PATH/clinvarGRCh38/clinvar.vcf.gz


After installing dependencies and VEP, you need to configure the app by editing two files:

  • seal/static/vep.config.json
  • seal/config.yaml

In seal/static/vep.config.json, replace the following variables with the appropriate paths:

  • {dir_vep} => /path/to/vep
  • {dir_vep_plugins} => /path/to/vep/plugins
  • {GnomAD_vcf} => /path/to/gnomad.vcf
  • {fasta} => /path/to/genome.fa.gz

In seal/config.yaml, create your secret app key and edit other settings as needed.

Initialization of the database

If you install all dependencies with conda make sure to activate the environment :

conda activate seal

comment line on seal/ (see #26)

# from seal import routes
# from seal import schedulers
# from seal import admin

To initialise the database, start the database server and run the following commands:

initdb -D ${PWD}/seal/seal.db
pg_ctl -D ${PWD}/seal/seal.db -l ${PWD}/seal/seal.db.log start
psql postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE seal;"
python -p password

uncomment line on seal/ (see #26)

from seal import routes
from seal import schedulers
from seal import admin
flask --app seal --debug db init
flask --app seal --debug db migrate -m "Init DataBase"

The database will be intialise with an admin user :

  • username : admin
  • password : password

Optionally, you can also add gene regions and OMIM data to the database.

wget -qO-   | gunzip -c - | awk -v OFS="\t" '{ if (!match($13, /.*-[0-9]+/)) { print $3, $5-2000, $6+2000, $13; } }' -  | sort -u > ncbiRefSeq.hg19.sorted.bed
wget -qO-{{YOUR API KEY}}/genemap2.txt

Launching the App

Finally, to launch the app, run the following command:

flask --app seal --debug run

Tips & Tricks

Here are some useful Tips & Tricks working with SEAL:

  • Update database
flask --app seal --debug db migrate -m "message"
flask --app seal --debug db upgrade
  • Start/Stop the datatabase server
pg_ctl -D ${PWD}/seal/seal.db -l ${PWD}/seal/seal.db.log start
pg_ctl -D ${PWD}/seal/seal.db -l ${PWD}/seal/seal.db.log stop
  • Dump/Restore the database
pg_dump -O -C --if-exists --clean --inserts -d seal -x -F t -f seal.tar
pg_restore -x -f seal.tar
  • Multiple instances of SEAL (maybe usefull for differents projects, teams, tests, stages...)

Edit the config.yaml

  SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI: 'postgresql:///seal-bis'

Follow the initialization steps with this new database (edit this ommand)

psql postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE seal-bis;"


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See COPYING to see the full text.