Google Analytics SDK for OS X
This is an Objective-C wrapper around Measurement Protocol
Google-Analytics-for-OS-X is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "Google-Analytics-for-OS-X"
Alternatively, you can just clone the repo, build GoogleAnalyticsTracker
target and use the framework in your project.
MPAnalyticsConfiguration *configuration = [[MPAnalyticsConfiguration alloc] initWithAnalyticsIdentifier:@"UA-TEST-X"];
[MPGoogleAnalyticsTracker activateConfiguration:configuration];
[MPGoogleAnalyticsTracker trackEventOfCategory:@"Interaction" action:@"Button Click"
label:@"Track Event Button" value:@0];
[MPGoogleAnalyticsTracker trackTimingOfCategory:@"Timings" variable:@"App Launch Duration"
time:@100 label:@""];
There is a special debug window included in the framework. It can be used by developers/QA/marketing for testing.
Google-Analytics-for-OS-X is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.