The 2D Game Engine AIngine offers developers an extensive editor and an AI module based on the eXtended Classifier System (XCS). The game engine was developed as a project at the University of Würzburg in the Games Engineering Bsc. program.
To build with CMake enable the options GLFW_INSTALL, SPDLOG_INSTALL, JSON_INSTALL
to your desired install directory.
Make sure cmake has been added to PATH (User PATH seems not be sufficient)
Either use the installer provided inside the or install manually: (automatic execution of launcher after installation may fail, bug)
- Inside the AIngine solution build the target
After installing:
- Execute launcher/Launcher.exe inside your install dir
- Click "Add existing project" inside the project launcher
- Select a file (one can be found at /code/Projects/CrappyBird)
- Open the project by selecting it and clicking "Open" inside the project launcher
- Either build the target and execute the executable or simply run in debug mode inside Visual Studio
- Load a scene via the menubar or toolbar
To build an exectable from your project inside the Editor:
- Make sure at least one scene will be build (you can add scenes under the menuitem Build/BuildScenes)
- Execute the menuitem Build/Build and select your output folder
- The Visual Studio solution needs to be rebuild after building
Scripts can be added inside the editor via the menuitem Scripts. After adding/removing a script the editor needs to be restarted manually.
- Either run the installer to install the engine or do it manually as described here
- Make sure cmake has been added to PATH (User PATH seems not be sufficient)
- After building the AIngine project with CMake build the target INSTALL. The Engine will be installed into CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
- From the install dir, run launcher/Launcher.exe
- Click "Add existing project" and select a file ( can be found at "root/code/Projects/CrappyBird")
- The project is now listed in the project launcher, use the "Open" button to open it
- Either build the target and run the executable or simply run in debug mode inside visual studio