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Other Sql References.

  1. Effective SQL
  2. Advanced SQL
  3. SQL

[What is Window function?](Effective-SQL:Item 37: Know How to Use Window Functions)

  1. “Window” refers to a set of rows that surround a considered row, either preceding or following that row.
  2. Window function basics

[What is impact of Partition by in Window function?](Effective-SQL:Item 37: Know How to Use Window Functions)

  1. PARTITION BY predicate specifies how the window should be divided.
    1. If partition by is omitted, your database system applies the function over the entire result set
  2. Partition BY results are sensitive to the order in which the rows are returned.
    1. Query may have different predicates for each OVER clause

[What is impact of if Partition by is missing in Window function?](Effective-SQL:Item 37: Know How to Use Window Functions)

  1. If there is no partition-clause or oder-by given... aggregate function work like group-by
    1. select account_id, amount, SUM(amount) OVER() AS total_sum from account;

When to use Window functions

  1. Window functions are “aware” of the surrounding rows.
  2. Which makes it easier to create running or moving aggregations than with the traditional aggregation functions
  3. It also helps at statement-level grouping.

Can we Partition by multiple columns?

  1. Yes!
  2. PARTITION BY s.CustomerID, s.PurchaseMonth ORDER BY s.PurchaseYear -- is valid statement

What are few function that could be used for window function?

  1. Many of the aggregate functions SUM(), COUNT(), AVG(), and others, can be used as window functions.
  2. ROW_NUMBER() and RANK()

When is Order by mandatory in window functions

  1. Whenever you need to change the window frame’s bounding to a non-default setting, you must specify an ORDER BY predicate even when it is optional.

When to use Window function Rows

  1. If you need to define an arbitrary size for a window frame, you must use ROWS, which allows you to input how many rows preceding or following are to be included in the window frame.

When to use Window function Range


When to use Window function Range vs Rows

You can choose between RANGE for logical grouping of rows and ROWS for physical offset of the rows. If the ORDER BY predicate does not return duplicate values, the results are equivalent

In Delivery : customer_pref_delivery_date = order_date, find the percentage of record

    round(100 * sum(customer_pref_delivery_date = order_date) / sum(1), 2)
    as immediate_percentage
from Delivery;

   ROUND(100*AVG(order_date = customer_pref_delivery_date), 2) AS immediate_percentage
FROM Delivery;

How to find list of department that has no employee working

select * from department d where not exists (
   select 1 from employee e where e.depart_name = d.depart_name

Find stores whose sales where better than the average sales across all stores

select * from (
      select store_name, sum(price) as total_sales from sales group by store_name
   )  sales
   (select avg(total_sales) as sales from (
       select store_name, sum(price) as total_sales from sales group by store_name) x
      ) avg_sales 
   on sales.total_sales > avg_sales.sales;
with sales as (   select store_name, sum(price) as total_sales from sales group by store_name )
   select * from sales
   join (select avg(total_sales) as sales from sales x) avg_sales
   on sales.total_sales > avg_sales.sales   
select store_name from sales group by stores having sum(sales) > (select avg(price) from sales) 
   Queue q1 JOIN Queue q2 ON q1.turn >= q2.turn
GROUP BY q1.turn
HAVING SUM(q2.weight) <= 1000
   BY SUM(q2.weight) DESC

with running_sum as (
    select person_id, person_name, turn, sum(weight) over (order by turn) as s_weight from Queue
select  person_name from  running_sum 
where turn = (select max(turn)  from running_sum where s_weight <= 1000 )

log_id - 1,2,3,,6,8 %

with r as (
  select log_id, ROW_NUMBER() over (order by log_id) as rown from logs
select min(log_id) as start_id, max(log_id) as end_id from r group by (log_id - rown )
select L1.log_id as START_ID, L2.log_id as END_ID
	(select log_id from Logs 
	where log_id-1 not in (select log_id from Logs)) L1,
	(select log_id from Logs 
	where log_id+1 not in (select log_id from Logs)) L2
where L1.log_id <= L2.log_id
Order by start_id
1 3
1 8
1 10
7 8
7 10
10 10
select L1.log_id as START_ID, min(L2.log_id) as END_ID
	(select log_id from Logs 
	where log_id-1 not in (select log_id from Logs)) L1,
	(select log_id from Logs 
	where log_id+1 not in (select log_id from Logs)) L2
where L1.log_id <= L2.log_id
group by L1.log_id

Fetch all employee details and add remarks to those employees who earn more than the avg salary

select *,
   (case when salary > (select avg(salary) from employee) then 'Higher than average'
   else null end) as remarks

select *,
   (case when salary > avg_salary.sal) then 'Higher than average'
   else null end) as remarks
cross join (select avg(salary) sal from employee) avg_salary;

Find the stores who have sold more units than avg units sold by all stores

select store_name, sum(quantity) from sales group by store_name having sum(quantity) > (select avg(quantiy) from sales);

How to insert data into employee history table. Make sure not insert duplicate records

insert into employee_history
select e.emp_id, e.emp_name, d.dept_name, e.salary, d.location from employee e
join department d on d.dept_name = e.dept_name
where not exists (select 1 from employee_history eh where eh.emp_id = e.emp_id)

How to Give 10% increment to all employees in Bangalore location based on the maximum salary earned by an emp in each dept. Only consider employees in employee_history table

update employee e
   set salary = (select max(salary) * 1.1 from employee_history eh where eh.dept_name = e.dept_name)
where e.dept_name in (select dept_name from department where location='Bangalore')
   and e.emp_id in (select emp_id from employee_history)   

How to produce NC2 combination of IPL matches

with matches as (select row_number() over (order by team_name) as id, team_code, team_name from teams t)
select as team, as oppnent
   from matches team join matches opponent on <

Delete all departments who do not have any employees

delete from department d
   where d.deparement id not in (select 1 from employee e where e.dept_name = d.dept_name)
delete from department d  where depatment_name in (
   select dept_name from department d where not exists  (select 1 from employee e where e.dept_name = d.dept_name)

Example of Multiple Inner Join

  SELECT Recipes.RecipeID, Recipes.RecipeTitle FROM 
  Recipes INNER JOIN Recipe_Ingredients  ON Recipes.RecipeID = Recipe_Ingredients.RecipeID
          INNER JOIN Ingredients   ON Ingredients.IngredientID =  Recipe_Ingredients.IngredientID  
  WHERE Ingredients.IngredientName = 'Beef'

Find all Receipes that has Beef and Garlic

SELECT BeefRecipes.RecipeTitle
  (SELECT Recipes.RecipeID, Recipes.RecipeTitle
   FROM (Recipes INNER JOIN Recipe_Ingredients
    ON Recipes.RecipeID = Recipe_Ingredients.RecipeID) 
      INNER JOIN Ingredients 
    ON Ingredients.IngredientID = 
   WHERE Ingredients.IngredientName = 'Beef') 
      AS BeefRecipes
  (SELECT Recipe_Ingredients.RecipeID
   FROM Recipe_Ingredients INNER JOIN Ingredients
    ON Ingredients.IngredientID = 
   WHERE Ingredients.IngredientName = 'Garlic') 
      AS GarlicRecipes 
    ON BeefRecipes.RecipeID = GarlicRecipes.RecipeID;
select employee_id, count(team_id) over (partition by team_id) as team_size from employee
order by employee_id

with team_size as (select count(1) as team_size, team_id from Employee group by team_id)
select employee_id, team_size.team_size from Employee e inner join team_size on team_size.team_id = e.team_id

Find all Order that has both Skateboard and Helmet

-- Ensure you've run SalesOrdersStructure.sql
-- and SalesOrdersData.sql in the Sample Databases folder
-- in order to run this example. 

USE SalesOrdersSample;

SELECT Customers.CustomerID, Customers.CustFirstName, 
  Customers.CustLastName, Orders.OrderNumber, Orders.OrderDate
FROM Customers
    ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID
   FROM (Orders AS O2
      INNER JOIN Order_Details
        ON O2.OrderNumber = Order_Details.OrderNumber)
      INNER JOIN Products
        ON Products.ProductNumber = Order_Details.ProductNumber 
   WHERE Products.ProductName = 'Skateboard' 
    AND O2.OrderNumber = Orders.OrderNumber)
   FROM (Orders AS O3 
      INNER JOIN Order_Details
        ON O3.OrderNumber = Order_Details.OrderNumber)
      INNER JOIN Products
        ON Products.ProductNumber = Order_Details.ProductNumber 
   WHERE Products.ProductName = 'Helmet'
      AND O3.OrderNumber = Orders.OrderNumber);

What is the Lag() function, give an example?

  1. LAG() function provides access to a row that comes before the current row at a specified physical offset. In other words, from the current row the LAG() function can access data of the previous row, or the row before the previous row, and so on.
WITH cte AS (
	SELECT year, SUM(amount) amount
	FROM sales	GROUP BY year	ORDER BY year
	LAG(amount,1) OVER (ORDER BY year) previous_year_sales

Example of Sum(Amount) using Window Function

SUM(t.Amount) OVER (PARTITION BY t.AccountID ORDER BY t.TransactionID DESC) - t.Amount AS TotalUnspent,

Example of RANK() using Window Function

RANK() OVER (    PARTITION BY o.CustomerID    ORDER BY o.OrderTotal DESC    ) AS CustomerOrderRanking
select sale_date, sum(case when fruit='apples' then sold_num else -sold_num end) as diff
from sales group by sale_date

select a.sale_date, a.sold_num - b.sold_num as diff from Sales a inner join Sales b on a.sale_date = b.sale_date
and a.fruit='apples' and b.fruit = 'oranges'
order by a.sale_date

Find TotalByCustomer - running sum for each customer, TotalOverall - and entire order Expected: "CustomerID, OrderNumber, OrderTotal, TotalByCustomer and TotalOverall"

SELECT  o.OrderNumber, o.CustomerID, o.OrderTotal, 
        SUM(o.OrderTotal) OVER (PARTITION BY o.CustomerID ORDER BY o.OrderNumber, o.CustomerID) AS TotalByCustomer, 
        SUM(o.OrderTotal) OVER (ORDER BY o.OrderNumber) AS TotalOverall
FROM Orders AS o
ORDER BY o.OrderNumber, o.CustomerID;

Find total-unspent using different predicate for each over clause, Transaction: Amount, AccountId, TransactionId

SELECT  t.AccountID, t.Amount, 
        SUM(t.Amount) OVER (PARTITION BY t.AccountID ORDER BY t.TransactionID DESC) - t.Amount AS TotalUnspent, 
        SUM(t.Amount) OVER (ORDER BY t.TransactionID) AS TotalOverall
FROM Transactions AS t
ORDER BY t.TransactionID

Running Total

Find OrderSequence, CustomerOrderSequence, OrderRanking, CustomerOrderRanking

SET search_path = SalesOrdersSample;

  ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY o.OrderDate) AS OrderSequence,
  ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY o.CustomerID   ORDER BY o.OrderDate ) AS CustomerOrderSequence,
  o.OrderNumber, o.CustomerID, o.OrderDate, o.OrderTotal,
  RANK() OVER (    ORDER BY o.OrderTotal DESC  ) AS OrderRanking,
  RANK() OVER (    PARTITION BY o.CustomerID    ORDER BY o.OrderTotal DESC    ) AS CustomerOrderRanking
FROM Orders AS o
ORDER BY o.OrderDate;

##[Demonstration of moving average window functions](5.34 -Effective SQL)

SELECT  s.CustomerID, s.PurchaseYear, s.PurchaseMonth,
  LAG(s.PurchaseTotal, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY s.CustomerID, s.PurchaseMonth  ORDER BY s.PurchaseYear ) AS PreviousMonthTotal,
  s.PurchaseTotal AS CurrentMonthTotal,
  LEAD(s.PurchaseTotal, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY s.CustomerID, s.PurchaseMonth ORDER BY s.PurchaseYear ) AS NextMonthTotal,
  AVG(s.PurchaseTotal) OVER ( PARTITION BY s.CustomerID, s.PurchaseMonth    ORDER BY s.PurchaseYear    ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING AND 1 FOLLOWING  ) AS MonthOfYearAverage
FROM PurchaseStatistics AS s
ORDER BY s.CustomerID, s.PurchaseYear, s.PurchaseMonth;

[Demonstration of a query with both RANGE and ROWS](5.34 -Effective SQL)

  s.CustomerID, s.PurchaseYear, s.PurchaseMonth,
  SUM(s.PurchaseCount) OVER (    PARTITION BY s.PurchaseYear
    ORDER BY s.CustomerID
  ) AS CountByRange,

  SUM(s.PurchaseCount) OVER (
    PARTITION BY s.PurchaseYear
    ORDER BY s.CustomerID
  ) AS CountByRows

FROM PurchaseStatistics AS s
ORDER BY s.CustomerID, s.PurchaseYear, s.PurchaseMonth;

How to create anki from this boot mock question file

  1. Effective-SQL/PostgreSQL/Chapter 05/Listing 5.031.sql
  2. Crack SQL Interview Question: Subquery vs. CTE
mdanki Advanced_Sql.apkg --deck "Mohan::Pack::Advanced_Sql"