Backend for haulers app
- Self generating API documentation
- Developers get email alerts on exceptions
- User login and Session Management using Spring Security
- Redis based faster session management
- Location based search support
- Unit Tests using JUnit
- Continuous Integration using Circle CI
- Automatic Deployments on heroku if build success and tests pass
- Health Checks and trace using Spring Actuator
- Tomcat Access Logs (with authentication headers) in target/tomcat-logs
- Install and run mongodb
- Install and run redis
- set environment variables:
- HAULERS_EMAIL [gmail user from which project developers receive alerts]
- HAULERS_PASS [gmail password for above account]
- MONGODB_URI [Uri for Mongodb connection]
- REDIS_URL [Url for Redis-server]
- AWS_BUCKET [AWS Bucket to upload images]
- AWS_ACCESS [Access Key for AWS Bucket]
- AWS_SECRET [Secret Key for AWS Bucket]
- GET /customer
- GET /customer/all
- [GET /customer/signup]
- [GET /customer/update/loc]
- [GET /customer/images]
- GET /driver
- GET /driver/all
- [GET /driver/signup]
- [GET /driver/update/loc]
- [GET /driver/images]
- [GET /job]
- [GET /job/all]
- [GET /job/customer]
- [GET /job/driver]
- [GET /job/driver/respond]
- POST /customer
- POST /driver
- POST /job
- [POST /customer/images]
- [POST /driver/images]
Response body:
"response": "something"
The code is available at github [project][home] under MIT license.