Parking booking app - QR code - Socket (TCP/IP)
The solution we offer is to make a plan for the entire parking area, grid it out , attach cheap sensors at every parking spot(that detect if a car's there or not) and s end real time information to the app , provide a pre-booking system using the car registration numbers and detect them on entry using cameras , every parking spot is linked with a QR code that the user can scan to remember their parking spot shown on the app , the moment you park the car a timer starts charging you on time basis and providing an online payment portal, we collect the data, use a little ml and common sense to determine the rush hour traffic and parking patterns to predict the filling of the parking spots and guide the customers accordingly , we plan to link it with google maps so that it guides you directly to the parking spot (thereby removing the middle man and overall time wastage), overall better dissipation of knowledge as opposed to the current meta of going to the place and searching for a parking spot.