MON utils agglomerated.
Known to compile on SBCL 2.4.6
SPLIT-SEQUENCE STRING-CASE ALEXANDRIA CL-PPCRE FLEXI-STREAMS IRONCLAD SALZA2 CHIPZ CLOSER-MOP CFFI UIOP OSICAT :cl-fad ;; :NOTE This is likely to be deprecated in favor of osicat/uiop which provides most of same. :local-time
shell> git clone
start sbcl from emacs or shell
CL-USER> (push asdf:*central-registry* (push #P"/parent/dir/where/you/put/cl-repos/mon-cl-systems/" asdf:*central-registry*)
CL-USER> (quicklisp:quickload :mon :verbose t :explain t)
CL-USER> (in-package :mon)
CL-USER> ... Hacks and Glory Await ...
Special Variables, Constants, and convenience macros for binding them. Aslo, includes functions for adding docstrings.
Common type definitions; simple and compound.
Common macro idioms, culled from variouis sources.
Functions and with sytle macros for frobbing files and file streams.
Functions for inspecting and frobbing the system and lisp envirionment.
This file exists for the sole purpose of segregating char-numeric=' from the rest of the system. We do this b/c on SBCL
%char-numeric=' is
defined with significant optimizations and if any portion of this file is
changed we will get a restart at compile-time. IOW unless specifically
editing `%char-numeric=' do your edits elswhere!
Character frobbing, inspection, and introspection utilities.
Sequence related utilities.
Class frobbing, inspection, and introspection utilities.
"Number" frobbing utilities.
Property list frobbing utilities.
Association list frobbing utilities.
Hash-table frobbing, inspection, and introspection utilities.
String frobbing, inspection, and introspection utilities.
Utilities for frobbing, inspecting, and introspecting symbols, function definitions, keywords, packages.
Utilities for bit twiddling.
Utilities for working with arrays.
Utilities for frobbing, inspecting, and introspecting on files, directories, namestrings, and pathnames.
Utilities for reading/writing wth streams and cl:print- variables.
Utilities for time related operations.
Utilities for working with regular expressions and string frobbing.
Utilities for working with CL:FOMRAT.
Utilities for functional composition.
Some condition definitions for better error handling.
Utilities for class documention.
A revamp of sb-texinfo for documentation generation.
File laodtime-bind adds a reader conditional #+/-:IS-MON-P it is read at system loadtime and allows conditionalizing code according to the environment.
File laodtime-bind.lisp actualizes the conditionalizing per above.