Run BARTv2.0 (Binding Analysis for Regulation of Transcription) in a Docker Container
I made this for my own personal convenience and for deployment reproducibility. It is likely not optimally packaged.
Docker Image:
Requires a prior installation of git, docker, and bash. Only tested on Linux amd64, but in theory should work fine on Windows/MacOS.
Fastest and simplest way to get started.
# 1) Download Repo
git clone
cd bart2-docker
# 2) Download monovich/bart2:latest image
# The image is currently quite large ~1.2 Gb compressed. ~3 Gb uncompressed.
docker pull monovich/bart2
# 3) Download Source Data
# WARNING: The required data occupies 14 Gb of storage when uncompressed. Ensure you have
# sufficient disk space on host.
# 4) Run Image
# OPTION 1: Run with Script
# While in your bart2-docker dir run the following to add $BART to your .bashrc file
echo "export BART=$(pwd)" >> ~/.bashrc
# reload .bashrc or restart shell
. ~/.bashrc
# While in your bart2-docker dir run the following to make bart2 into an alias
echo "alias bart2=$BART/bin/sh/" >> ~/.bashrc
# reload .bashrc or restart shell
. ~/.bashrc
# run image to open interactive shell
# OPTION 2: Custom Docker Container
# Alternatively you can run an interactive shell using the following command without setting a path.
# Replace /path/to/bart2-docker/ with the actual path.
docker run --rm -ti -v "/path/to/bart2-docker/data/":/home/BARTv2.0/data/ -v "/path/to/bart2-docker/bin":/home/BARTv2.0/bin/ -w /home/BARTv2.0/ /monovich/bart2:latest /bin/bash
# 5) Test container output
# I'll assume you've opened an interactive shell in the container following OPTION 1.
# Test container output with the following line:
bart2 geneset -i data/input/sample-genelist.txt -s mm10 --outdir data/output/
# This should generate 4 files in data/output for sample-genelist:
# sample-genelist_adaptive_lasso_Info.txt
# sample-genelist_auc.txt
# sample-genelist_bart_results.txt
# sample-genelist_enhancer_prediction_lasso.txt
# For future runs, provide unique file input names to avoid overwrites.
# Due to git filesize limits, only a test genelist is provided, though BART
# also takes .bam and .bed input:
# example profile input
# bart2 profile -i data/input/ChIP.bam -f bam -s hg38 --outdir data/output/
# example region input
# bart2 region -i data/input/ChIPpeak.bed -c 4 -s hg38 --outdir data/output/
If you'd like to build the image from scratch (perhaps with your own modifications), I've included the necessary files.
# 1) Download Repo
git clone
cd bart2-docker
# 2) Download Source Data
# WARNING: This is 14Gb of unpacked data. Ensure you have sufficient disk space.
# 3) Build an Image
# Give your images tags for organization if you want to make iterative changes
docker build -t bart2:latest -t bart2:1.0 .
# 4) Run Image
# You may find it convenient to set the following command as a bash alias in your
# .bashrc, .bash_aliases, or other similar file
bash bin/sh/
# 5) Test container output
# example geneset input
bart2 geneset -i data/input/sample-genelist.txt -s mm10 --outdir data/output/