graph LR
api[NHL API]
api --> schedule[Schedule process]
schedule --> feed[Feed process]
feed --> db{Database}
cli ----> db
When the application starts up, it fetches the game schedules from NHL web API.
The application then iterates through the list of games and sets up a cron job for each game based on its start time. The cron job is set up to run a specific command at the scheduled time.
At the scheduled time, the cron job triggers a process that checks the status of the game. If the game is live, the process triggers another action to watch for the game feed and store the game data.
Running with Docker Prerequisites:
- Install Docker and have it running.
docker compose up -d --build
To run the pipeline with sample data from the NHL API, simply use the application in debug mode.
export SCHEDULE_DATE=2023-03-31 MODE=debug && docker compose up -d --build
- For fetching all games
docker exec -it pipeline rake games
- For fetching a particular game by ID
docker exec -it pipeline rake games game_id=GAMEID
- For fetching games by season
docker exec -it pipeline rake games season=SEASONIDENTIFIER
docker exec -it pipeline rake test
docker compose down && docker rmi nhl_pipeline --force && docker volume rm nhl-data-pipeline_db-volume
Executing the application locally without utilizing Docker Prerequisites
- Install ruby v3.1.1
- Install postgreSQL
In the project directory create an .env file similar to the .env.example file shared in the project. Then:
bundle install
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rake dev
To run the pipeline with sample data from the NHL API, simply use the application in debug mode.
rake dev_debug
- For fetching all games
rake games
- For fetching a particular game by ID
rake games game_id=GAMEID
- For fetching games by season
rake games season=SEASONIDENTIFIER